b16030874_0003_182_2 THE GREAT EXHIBITION AND THE LITTLE ONE. IT was aeon by a few philosophers long since, that the abstract faculties of man could not be increased iu number, neither could they be enlarged and rsfiucd beyond a given extent; and it was therefore concluded that the advances of mankind in their practical social condition were limited to the ordinary characteristics of a high condition of civilisation. Thin belief was generally entertained down to a comparatively recent period. It ban been reserved, not merely for our modem thneo, but we may fairly any for our own day, to perceive the truth, and to announce a belief in the gradual advances of the bnun,m family to a condition very superior to anything conveyed by mere” ctviioation,” in the common acceptation of the word, and in the common characteristics which it dinplaya. In brief, we consider that our preaeut period recognises the progress of humanity, step by step, towards a aerial condition in which nobler feeiugo, thoughts, and actiom, in concert for the good of all, instead of in general antagonism, producing a more iv- fined and fixed condition of happiness, may be the common inhcriinnce of great and small communities, and of all those nations of the earth who recognise and aspire to fulfil thin low of human progression. There may be—for u free will, and a perverse one, too, appear to be allowed by Providence to nations no well as individuals—there may be an odd, burbaroua, or eccentric nation, here and there, upon the face of the globe, who noay nec fit to exercise ito free will, in the negative form of will-not, and who may seclude itself from the rest of the world, rcoolvcd not to move on with it. For the rest of earth’s inhabitants, the shades, and steps, and gradations of the ascending scale will be various, and no doubt numerous but, that we are moving in a right direction towards some eoporior condition of nocicty—politically, morally, bidlcctnally, and religiously—that newly turned- up furrows of the earth arc being sown with larger, nobler, and more healthy need than the earth has ever yet received, we humbly yet proudly, and with heartfelt joy th0t par taken of solemnity, do fully recognise as a great fact—the greatest and grandest, by far, of all the facto tbat crowdingly display themselves at the present time, because it indicates the ultimate combination of all our noblest efforts. Let un glance at a few of the n;,ecial signs and tokens of the struggle that is now going on in the world, and we shall clearly see that the period of revolutionary excitement has a great measure subsided into an industrial seen. Enormous blocks of coal, great masses of atone, and timber, and marble, and mineral and vegetable substances, Consider the materials employed at the great Teacup Works of Kiaug-tiht-Chin (sr Tight-Chin) the “bedaubing powder, ready mixed,” and this” bedaubing material “—pith of stick, to make sine-paper; medicine-roots, hemp-seed, vegetable paints, varnishes, dyes, raw silk, ella, white and yellow arsenic, saffrsn, camphor, green tea dyes, die. Con- eider the greatness of the English results, and the extraordinary littleness of the Chinese. Go from the silk-weaving and nstton-opiuuing of us outer barbarians, to the labosionaly-earved ivory halls of tle flowery Empire, ball within hail and circle within circle, which hove made no advance and been of no earthly use for thousands of years. Well may the three Chinese divinities of the Past, the Present, and the Fntnre he repre- esuted with the same heavy face. Well may the dull, immoveable, respectable triad sit so amicably, aids by side, in a glory of yellow jaundice, with a ntrong family likeneso amnng them ; As the Past woe, ao the Present is, and no the ynture shall be, saith the Enspersr. And all ti’s Mandarin proutrate themselves, and cry Auseu. The railway engines, and agricultural engines, and nsachioea ; the lonsn,otivea, in all their variety; the farm-engines, such as the compound plough, the barrow, the clod- crusher, the revolving sub-aniler, (some of them looking not a little alarming, like instruments of torture for the Titans), the draining-plough, the centrifugal pump, the sowing-machine, ti,e reaping, the thrashing, and the winnowing machines, the chaff cutter, the barley-hummeller, the straw- shaker, the combined thmehing, -shaking, and blswieg maclose; the “machine ta sow and hoe an acre of tarsipa in five minutes,”—how can we possibly describe these, so as to be understood 1 Then, there are sawing-machines of great power ; machnnoo for plasing ; others by which, a large hurdle tan be cot fran, the solid timber, and put together in sine minutes, and a fifty-six gallon beer-barrel made in five minutes, As for the machinery of our manufactures, will, all their complex powers, wonderful strength, velocity, and minutely precise manipulations, one’s head whizzes with the recollection of them. But among all these wonders, nothing exeeedn, and hot few approach, this printing machinery of the “Illustrated London News.” which is the saute as that used by this “Times.” After contemplating thnu extraordinary piece of mechanism, aud its ordinary practical results, lake a walk across, sud islong, “hither and thither,” Is the Little Exhibition, and look at the means of printing snitch is there exhibited, “The operation is very quick,” says the Chinese Catalogue, “and from two thousand to three thousand may be taken off in a day by a single workman.” This rode cape- dient has never been Improved from the hoar of its first eonntrnetion. It is an illustration of the true doctrine of Finality; the gospel according to which wsuld hove taught us (under heavy pains and penalties) ts print for ever, as CAxrote prints upon the Royal Academy walls, in Mr. Machoe’s wondorfsl picture, and ts keep the attependons ma- chinery which produces our daily newspapers with the regularity of the ann, through nil eternity, in the limbo of things waiting to he born. There are some stupondons anchors lying - in the outer part of the Great Exhibition. Their enormous size and weight siatsrally suggest the present advanced stats of naval architecture in England nnd America; we may turn from sailing-ships to ths models of snr steam-navy, and of ti’s magnificent steamboats on the lakes and rivers of the United States. Compare these with the models at junks and hoata in the Chinese Exhibition. Corn- pare these with the Junk itself; lying in the Thames hard by the Temple-stairs. As a bambss palanquin is, beside a Railway-train, so in an English or American ship, beside this ridiculous abortion. Aboard of which, the sailors deeli,,e to enter until “a comiderabis amount of tin-foil, silvered paper, and joss stick,” has been purchased for their worship. Where they make offerings of tea, nweeb cake, and park, to the compass, on the voyage, to induce it to be true and faithful. Where the best that seamanship can do for the ship is to paint two immense eyes on her bows, i, order that she may see her way, (do the Chinese do this to their blind I) and to hang ant bits of red rag in stormy weather to mollify the wrath of the ocean. Where the crew live in china closets, wearing crape petticoats and woo,leu clogs. Where the cabin is fitted up with, every sort of small scouted object that in etterly in’ecouo’deahle with water or motion. Where nobody thinks of going aloft, or could possibly carry out his wild intentisn if he did. Where the crew ought in be armed with sticks of cinnamon, and the captain with a lanthorn at the end of a poie. Where the whole is under. the protection of an ornithstheIr logical phenonsenon en the stern, who eiwwa with all lila might and mais, “I was the representation of a cock a thousand years ago, and the man who nays I could possibly be made more like nne, shall immediately ha oasvn in half, according to law; Retur,, In the Great Exhibition. In the department (Class 7) of Civil Engineering, architecture, and building contrivances, w5 find the rerslving, disptric, ned catadioptne apparatus of lighathonees; mudelu of milwtsy’, of iroi bridges, of solf-onpporting 000penalun- bridges, of eubnsarise steam-propellers, of the great tubular bridge, and uf the proposed “grand ship canal through the Isthmus of Suez.” Step over to the Little Exhibition, and f consider how the Chinese Lanthorna would look en the North or South Forehand, or time Long Ships, or the Eddystone, in heavy weather, and what capital floating lights they could make on the Goodwin Sands, The Chinese nell-supporting bridges, houses, pagodas, aod. little islands, on their parvelain, all standing upon nothing, are equally enrieas with the models of their actual structure, In tine Great Exhibition, among the philosophical, musical, horological, and surgical instruments, we find, first, the great Electric Clock; and next we notice clocks that will go for four hundred days with once winding up watches that are on secure from injury by damp, that they are exhibited suspended in water, and performing with regularity ; a money-calculating machine, suited to the currency of all nations an instrument for the solstion of difficult pro- blemu in spherical trigonionietry (obviously a great comfort) clocks ohewuig the days of the month, months sf the year, motions ot the ones and moon, and the stste of the tide at tine nnrtncipal eva-ports of Great Britain, Ireland, America, Spain, Portugal, Holland, and Germany—and showing all this for a whole year with ooly one winding up; oxy- hydrogen microscopes ; daguerreotype and mlotype apparatus; and, above all, the electric In competition with these, the Little Exhibition presents us with “a very canaan porcelain box in the form of a crab, with moveable eyes and feet,” and with ns clock watch at alL In the absence of public clocks to strike the hours, a Chinese watch- man hits a large bell with a mallet; firot ascertaining the time by an Earopesm watch, or from the burning of a candle, or the of sand, or the descent of some liquid in a vessel, We ought not to omit the mention of a few of the ingenious surgical inventions (nod here our French exhibitors are most skilful) such as the artificial leech; apparatus and tools to meet the lose of the right hand ; the artificial leg, to enable those who have lost that limb above the knee, to ride, walk, sit grace’ fully, or even dunes ; an illuminative instrument for inspecting the inside of the ear, and another for tine eye; the guard razor, which shaves off hair, and will not cut flesh ; the ostracide (grand sod killing terum for the easy oyster opener); the msatmcatiag knife sad fork, for dyspeptic persons ; artificial arms, bands, feet, legs, eyes ; the artificial silver nose, warranted and sen sit, Chinese philosophical iastrnmennin we bavc neither seen, nor heard of, with very few exceptions. A maritime compass-boa how- over, is exhibited. annel is considered efficient, notwithstanding that the needle points due sooth. Thy Chinese say It always does—one end of It. Of their surgical instruments we f know very little but, if we may judge of them from their knives and razors, and. carpenters’ tools, they must be sufficiently piimitive and cosines. In the arts of sculpture and modelling, the progress made by all nations (we do not inelode Italy, because she lion so losg been fatuous for her excellence) to sufficiently np. parent. With regard to English sculpture, we have only to call the attention of tine visitor of the Great Exhibition to Mr. MaeDo,eefl’a model of 0 Eve,” to Mr. Louals’a ° Tita,nia,” to Mr. Bell’s “Andromeda’ and “Eagle Slayer,” to the two figures by Mr. Bailv, to the group in bronze by Mr. Wyatt, anna to the colossal groups by Meoors. Loogh and MacPowell, to establiob the fact of sor howling attained a high position in the art. The models in plaster, clay, and terra-cotta, and other works of plastic art, are abs very numerous, and many of them display great excellence. In the Little Exhibition, we find the old and never-to-be-surpassed ugly lion-monsters, with the mouth stretched until the head is half ofl and the eye-balls rolling out of their sockets; we have figures of the same man)?ronce, dorms and the same ladies, who have eat on the same teapots and screens from time immemorial; we have carved chessmen, and caddies, and cabinets, and richly painted lanthorns, sod teapots, and ten-cape, and soap telegraphs. stone josses, and other stout gentlemen, very much in eilofiatille, and with an unpleasant habit of putting out their tongues; we have slim young ladies, standing askew1 with long-legged umbrellas, or some incomprehensible knick-knacks iu sne hand; we have models of the common people, looking very dirty and half-starved ; we have 000re teapots; and a revolving lanthorn (not exactly meant to rival our eatselioptric one) ; and dabsmnuing rately insignificant designs carved oa mother- sf-pearl and ivory; and mere teapots, and ivory balls, with twenty other balls each a size less than the other, insinle, and all move- able, and no joints visible, if any exist; and distinctive boxes carved from peach-stones; and hand-screens made from the gelatins of the heads of fish; and more laothorus ; and the Goddess Chbs-Te ivith no end of arms; and all oorts of horrible sld gristuers who are to be devoutly worshipped ; and the God of War, who is by far the finest fellow of the party, for he really does mean something, annnl it no by no nnseaus fighting. He is considering, with a very canning face, “Now, let tue see, What will he the best ovay ost of tIne? Shall I arrange to pay en maniy sacks of silver sod afterwards fill them with lean1, or how, otherwise, shall t circumvent the Bar- haria,no and restore peace to the donuainmms of my htnmjneror, whose official maine is lteanou’u Glory I The construction of musical instruments may always been a marked Olga of the progress of nations, in refinement of taste and skill of hand. Frankly admitting that the great im- proveinents (more partienlarly the cornopeano, eax-horne, nphedidee, the snotenente, the many-keyed fiutea, the come-muss, and ether fine inventions) are nriginally derived from Germany, we may yet claim credit for our aenae and skill in adopting and manufacturing thens; and this applies to one grand instrument, the grandest of all, wherein, we believe, it may now be said that we have attained a an- priority to all other nations. The great organ in the gallery, by Willis, of London, may be adduced in proof of this while the piano- fortes, also, of liroadwood, and of Collard, are without superiors in any part of the world, We have made great efforts to arrive at the highest excellence in all the nice and intricate mechanism of musical instruments, and with complete success, being now upon an equality nearly all the finest productions of Germany, Italy, and France, Rot what has the Celestial Empire been doing in this way during the last twenty years, or the Rot fifty years, or the last five hundred years, or the last thousand years 1 See the Chinese harp—the flute—the horn —guitar, or mandoline. The only real instruments worthy of the name as “things capable,” though not to be called “most musical,” are the gong, and the brass pan and kettle inventions, wherewith that Dragon who attacks the Sun (when Barbarians sup- pose there is an eclipse) is scared away- The Celestial people have “a sort of a kind of a” flute, guitar, fiddle, bagpipe, horn, and drum. They have no idea of sounding boards, strings of catgut, semitones, counterpoint, or parts in music. The very tree of which their instruments are made, is such a Chinese tree in the essential of always doing the same thing, that the moment it olieds a leaf; the autumn is sure to have set in. One of the indications of the progress of a nation is “interchange,” including internal communication and trade, and external communication and commerce, currency, and wages. What the first and second of these are, with respect to Europe generally, both in extent and quality, the Great Exhibition fully attests. The internal communication of China is chiefly an affah’ of official pigtalls—a series of Mandarins of different sicea, buttons, and feathers, sending letters to each other of various tints, and varying fl-sm two feet to sia feet in length while the trade is limited entirely to, articles of home produce: the CelesOala disdaining all trade and commerce testis “sntoale people, except at certain sea-ports, which are so remote from the Emperor and Ins capital that their doings are scaa’cely knos’n, and are not recognised no part and parcel of the transactions of the empuc. ,,, , ike following dicioisns of Mr. Porters work—public revenue and expenditure consumption—and accumulation—by which last he means the increase of notional works and bniidingo,nf commercial and agricultural stock and of articles that minister to the esmfor and convenience of individuals—are weU iRis- trated by the nnmernnn models of large pnbliu edifices and works, projected, or already existing, in the United Kingdom. [n China, there are the Great Wall, and the Imperial Palace at Pekin, and the pagodas with their turned-up corners and their bells, and the temples and bridges, and the various teapot works, with few additions, if any, and probably none, all just as they were centuries ago, suggesting the idea of the same Emperor having oat upon the sante enamelled porcelain throne during the whole time, with the same thin-arched pair of elevated eyebrows, admiring and wondering, with the same inanity, at the some inanimate perfection of himself and all around him. To complete the contrast, it is worth while to glance at the real Police associated with the Great Exhibition, and the mimic police in the Little One—to say nothing of the sweltering robber in the tub, at the loiter place, or the other culprit in the bamboo cage. It is worth while to compare the work- people in the Machinery Courts of the Great Exhibition, with the models of the Chinese workpeople at their various trades, it is worth while to contemplate the Chinese Lady with her lotus feet, two inches and a half in length, and to consider how many other things are crippled by conceited absolutism and distrust. You ore quite surprised, in the Little Exhibition, to find Chinese fish gsapiog like other fish, or a Chinese frog without very oval eyes, until you recollect that neither species are the natural-born subjects of Reason’s Gloo’, but that the happy privilege is reserved for men and women, Reader, in the comparison between the Great and Little Exhibition, you have the comparison between Stoppage and Progress, between the exclusive principle and all other principles, between the good old times and the bad new times, between perfect Toryism and impes’fect advancement. Who can doubt that you will be led to conclusions, unhappily a little at a discount in this degenerate age, and that you will mentally inks suit and service in the favored Chinese Empire, with Reason’s Glory!