b17228359_0008_373 STATISTICS. The estimated net revenue of India, for the year 1849-50 will amount to £20,498,412, and the estimated surplus will be £77,662. The amount of property insured against fire at the various Insurance Offices in the Metropolis exceeds £150,000,000, The dividends due and not demanded at the Bank of England, on April 5, 1850, and after deducting advances made to Government, amounted to £146,276. 12s. Gd. ; on July 5, £100,000; on October 10, £99,990; on January 5, 1851, £183,895. In the year ending April 5, 1819, the net income of property and income- tax recovered was £5,605,532, of which £2,656,796 was collected under schedule A, £320,096 under schedule B, £750,781 under schedule C, £1,529,398 under schedule P. and £348,459 under schedule E. Loudon, according to Mr. M’Culloch, contains at present 2,100,000 persons, or, including the districts embraced by the Registrar-General’s bifis of mortality, 2,240,000—a greater amount of population than has ever been previously accumulated in an equal space. The largest cotton-mill in Lancashire ever built at one time, it is said, has recently been erected by Mr. John Maya]. of Bottoms, Mossley. It is 137 yards long by 26 wide, inside measure. It will give employment to many hundred hands. The mill is 43 windows in length, and six stories’ high. The engine is upwards of 100-horse power. As Lsossv A5 A FEATieEss.—The largest quill of the golden eagle weighs only 65 grains, and seven such quills do not weigh more than a copper penny- piece. The feathers of a common fowl weighing 37 ounces weigh only 3 ounces; and the entire plumage of an owl weighs only one ounce and a half. ENoLssse AND FRENCH RAILWAYS COMPARED.—The receipt of the French railways, in 1850, was £3,770,317, being an average of £2162 per mile upon a total length of 1819 miles. The cost of construction amounted to £32,738,200, or.t25,222 per mile. The average cost of English railways amounted in 1850 to £35,229 per mile, and the gross receipts to £2227 per mile; showing that the coat of railways in England is 39 per cent, more than in France, while the average receipts per mile are not much greater. UNITED STATES.—The official returns for the census of 1850 have been so far completed, that a sufficiently correct estimate can now be made of the population us compared with what it was in 1840. The white race numbers 19,879,211; the free-coloured, 500,000; the slaves, 3,295,495; in ail, 23,674,706, showing an increase, ames 1840, in all classes of population (exclusive of Indians) of 6,710,978, or within a fraction of 40 per cent. Tifi the next census is taken, in 1860, the ratio of representation will be one member for about every 94,000 inhabitants. During the past ten years the ratio baa been one for every 70,680. STREET SELLERS OP EnmnLiea.—The annual sales and receipts, and the number engaged, of the street sellers of eatable and drinkable commodities in London, as computed by Mr. Mayhew, in his London Labour, are as follow Qsastity. Value. Es. Quantity. Valise. lie. Hot Eels - abont 1,000,000 £19,448 1 aoo Milk (Parks) - . galls. 4,000 £344 28 Pea Sonp . . - galls. 1,680 4,050 5 Curds sod Whey galls. 2812 412 Pickled Whelks 5,000,000 5,000 150 HIm Milk - -- galls. 3,000 320 Fried Fish - - lbs. 684,000 11,400 300 Water ,, 780 60 Sheeps’ Trotters 4,160,000 e,ooo 800 Piemea - - . ‘ pies 750,000 8,000 50 Sandwiches . - . - 486,800 1,800 60 Puddings 129,600 270 6 Baked’Tatoes. - toes 1,785 14,000 200 Plum” Doff”’--,, 250 6 Stat Green Peas galls. 1,870 250 4 Cakes, Tarts, dc - 1,123,200 2,350 15-1 Butchers’ Meat lbs. 747,000 12,450 150 Inferior Cakes--,, 450 30 Bread - - loaves 700,000 9,000 29 Ginger Nuts 6,630 150 Cats’ Meat - lbs. 50,000,000 100,000 1000 Hot Cross Duos - 100,000 900 500 Coffee, Tea - galls. 550,000 31,200 300 MuffIns & Crumpets 110,000 6,000 500 Ging. Beer 8 000 14,660 1 00 Sweetstuff . - . - tons 70 10,000 200 Lemonade 1 ° ‘‘‘ , 4,900 Coogh Drops - ‘ - ,, • 130 6 Elder Wine - - .galls 1,500 200 50 Ice Creams - - - - - ,, 42 20 Peppermint Water galls. 900 125 4 — £265,761 6353