b15966410_0008_027 COLLEGE OF GENERAL PRACTITIONERS. A SCHEME, it appears, has been set on foot for the establishment of a “College of General Practitioners.” Now, since diseases, very generally, are either imaginary, or such as would get well of themselves if let alone, one highly important branch of General Practice is the treatment of cases which do not require it. The General Practitioner, though not a Consulting Physician, must consult his own interest. Verb. set, sap.; but if the College Examiners are not saps, they may take a hint from Punch. Teachers must first be taught; and here, for the benefit of those whom it may concern, is a little Appropriate Examination Paper: with Answers. Q. What should be the medical treatment of a common cold, which, in fact, requires only white-wine-whey and a footpan. A. Pulv: Antim: grains five, to be taken at bed-time; and Mistura Feb: three table-spoonfuls every three hours, with Emplast: Pie is to the region of the chest. Q. If you asked a patient to put out his tongue, and found it perfectly clean, what would you do? A. Shake my head, and say, “Ah !“ or “Hum!” Q. What is the meaning of “Hum,” Si A. It means, “ I see what is the matter with you.” Q. How would you look on feeling a pulse which proved natural and regular! A. Very serious; and I would pretend to be calculating. Q. A lady, slightly indisposed, asks whether you don’t think her very ill—Your answer? A. I should say that she would have been so if she hadn’t sent for me in time. Q. Suppose a patient, in perfect health, demands what you think of his case A. I should tell him, very mysteriously, that he ought to take care of himself. Q. An anxious mother, Sir, sends for you to see her darling child— What would you first do? A. Begin by admiring it. Q. How long, in a given case, would you send in medicine? A. As long as the patient believed himself ill. Q. That belief being erroneous, what would you .send, pray? A. I think, Tinct: Card: Comp: with either Aqua Menth, a Pip: or Mist: Camph: Q. Be so good, Sir, as to translate the word “ Iter.” A. Five shillings.