b1629371X_0114_110 THE NEW VACCINATION ACT. This act, further to extend and make compulsory the practice of vaccination, has been in operation since August last. Under its provisions, the pa- I rents or guardians of every child are required to have it vaccinated within three months from the date of its birth, and afterwards inspected by a medical officer, so as to receive from him a certificate of the success of the operation. We propose briefly to narrate some of the interesting facts which have rendered such an enactment necessary. The title of the act implies two things : first, that the safeguard against small-pox has been too little used; and, secondly, that it is thought by the government no longer advisable to leave the use or neglect of vaccination to the discretion of’ the great body of the people. The want of education makes itself felt in this direction also. Vaccination is practised wherever individuals recognise the full value of health, and know how it may be most effectually conserved; but it is neglected to a lamentable extent among the uninstructed poor. In some countries, where education is more gene- rally diffused than in England, it has been compulsory for a lung period; and these localities have been comparatively free from small-pox in consequence. If we have suffered from the disease to a larger extent, however, we may ascribe it, perhaps truly, to the slight abuse of a great good—the wholesome fear our rulers have of legislating upon matters which admit of being settled by the force of public conscience and judgment. 1’ut, in this instance, abundant evidence might be adduced to prove the wisdom of interference on the part of the legislature. The private law of parental affection and prudence has not been found strong enough to render unnecessary the help of the external public enactment. \Te propose now to glance rapidly at some of the evidence on this subject which was laid not long since before the House. it is now fifty-five years ago since Dr. Jenner published the result of hs investigations into the nature of the vaccine disease, and introduced the practice of vaccination into the world. To estimate duly the value of his discovery, we must remember the fact, that one out of every four or five persons attacked by small-pox, in its unmitigated form, used to perish; and that if death were escaped, the victims of the disease were liable to disfigurement, deformity, and other physical ills, to an amount frightful to contemplate. When lady Wortley Montague found the practice of inoculation in Turkey, she rejoiced at the mitigation of evil its introduction into her own country pro- She wrote from Constantinople, in 1718, as follows :—“ The French ambassador says, pleasantly, that they take the small-pox here by way of diversion, as they take the waters in other countries. There is no example of any one that has died of it, and you may believe I am well satisfied of the safety of this experiment since intend to try it on my dear little son. I am patriot enough to take pains to bring this useful invention into fashion in England, and I should fail to write to some of our doctors very particularly about it, if I knew any one of them that thought had virtue enough to destroy such a considerable branch of their revenue for the good of mankind. But that distemper is too beneficial to them, not to expose to all their resentment the hardy wight that should undertake to put an end to it. Perhaps, if I live to return, I may, how- ever, have courage to var with them. Upon this occasion, admire the heroism in the heart of your friend.” Wh lady Mary returned, in 17.21, and put in practice this determination, she was sorely tempted to repent it. Torrents of abuse assailed her: she denounced from the pulpits, and upbraided as an unnatural mother by the ignorant; and so virulent was the feeling of the faculty against her, that when her daughter was inoculated, and four eminent physicians appointed twatch the progress of the experiment, she says she feared to leave her child a moment alone with them, lest they should in some way mar its success, and injure her. The court and people found out, at length, however, the value of lady Mary’s knowledge and courage, and the practice of inoculation spread through England and many parts of the world. It was imperfect mitigation of the original evil: it tools for granted that every individual must have the disease; and though, when produced thus artificially, it appeared in a milder form, and ended fatally very much less frequently, it spread the infection, and left behind the same liability to other illnesses and disfigurement, though in diminished severity. But it turned the attention of medical science towards the discovery of further remedies, and this perhaps was its most valuable result. It was a happy thing that Dr. Jenner resisted the allurements of a partnership in London, and settled down quietly to a country practice in his native town. Had he accepted John Hunter’s offer, the dairymaids an Gloucestershire might probably have enjoyed immunity from small-pox for no one knows how many years, without the world at large gaining by it. But Dr. Jenner had a love for country things; and at Berkeley, it seems, possessed a large power of patient observation years ending 1850 or 18o1,waS 219 per 1000, that in Saxony (the highest of the averages ieturned), was 833 per 1000; while in Bohemia, Lombardy, and Sweden, it was little above per Bavaria, and Hanover, by fines or imprisonment 1000. The continental states have various methods of enforcing vaccination : some, as Prussia, others, by requiring the production of a certificate testifying the success of the operation, from apprentices, servants, candidates for admission into public schàols, alms-houses, etc. Zealons public vaccinators are rewarded with gold and silver medals in France and Belgium. In Austria, no child is allowed to attend either public or private schools, and no person is permitted to renuive relief from the charity boards, without having been vaccinated. In Denmark, we find it stated, on the highest medical authority, that variola had at one time disappeared before the defensive influence of compelled vaccination, though, it is added, “that chance, and a careless security engendered by the absence of the pest, have led to its re-introduction there.” Dr. Cannon, of Simla, states, “that in June, 1850, small-pox broke out along the left bank of the Sutléj. Dr. C. immediately Act his vaccinators to work along the right bank. The results were, that the disease along the left bank, where there was no attempt made to arrest it, destroyed from fifty to sixty per cent., but along the right bank from five to six per cent, only; and in many of these cases the proper performance of vaccination was doubtful.” All the facts in the report from which we have quoted have one tendency—to prove to any who yet entertain any doubt of it, the efficacy of vaccination, and the necessity of enforcing the use of the safeguard upon those who, from carelessness or ignorance, neglect to avail themselves of its protection. “If it admit of doubt,” write the committee, “how far it is justifiable in this free country to compel a person to take care of his own life and that of his offspring, it can scarcely be disputed that no one has a right to put in jeopardy the lives of his fellow-subjects. The principle of using one’s own so as not to injure another’s is one which has always been acted upon in our legislation as regards property and personal mñsances, and we submit that it is but an extension of this principle to apply it to the questions of life and health Yes, legislation must step in while education grows! When the latter spreads through o% land With its enlightening and elevating influence, such enactments as the one under consideration may, we trust, become obsolete. The parents who have knowledge as their handmaiden, an enlightened conscience as their guide, and duty as their watchword, will need them little. Let present educators take heed that they be training such!