b15966410_0020_104_2 MR. PUNCH’S COUNTER AT THE GREAT EXHIBITION. As nothing, now-a-days, is complete without the presence of Mr. Punch we have opened a Counter at the Exhibition. It is not for us to admire it—that is a pleasure we cheerfully leave to others. The value of the Counter, however, will be best proved by the following short description of a few articles exhibited in it An Omnibus—that will allow a person to sit down with his hat on, and give him plenty of room for his legs, without incommoding those of other people. A Lady-Jumper (on the same principle as the Baby-Jumper)—to keep the wife quiet at home whilst the husband goes and enjoys himself at his Club: A Latch-key—which really has the effect, falsely attributed to most latch-keys, of turning every clock in the house three hours hack, directly the husband opens the street-door. A Machine for quarrelsome households, for enabling strangers to see at once which way the oat jumps. A new kind of Alarum-bell, in connexion with a Shower-bath and an Italian Organ, for getting lazy servants up in the morning. A Lodging-House Meatometer—to enable rural visitors to judge by the quantity of meat that is eaten each day, how much greater their appetite is in town than in the country. The New Revolver Shirt—that, by turning round a little to the right or left, is made to display in succession the following round of fronts; viz. :—1°- a Coloured Front, pour la matinee; 2°. a Plain Front, pour la promenade; 39 a Dress Front, pear 1’ Opera, on le Bat; and 4°. a Deshabille Front, pour in unit ;—thus admirably combining four shirts in one. Singularly adapted for foreigners. A Machine for making Satin Paper Gloves—to enable persons to make their own gloves, and quite as cheap as envelopes. The Washable Parasol—that takes on and off, and washes beautifully. The Revolving Shoe for Horses—purposely invented to enable gentlemen to ride on the wood-pavement, as a horse with this revolving shoe only goes round and round, but never falls. A Revolving Heel for Young Gentlemen—who cannot waltz without getting giddy. The VERDI Ear-Protector—to enable a young lady to sit out one of VERDI’s operas without hearing any of-the noise. The Modern Housewife’s Best Friend. This consists of an improved kitchen safe, which, by means of a spring, catches the cat (that dreadful domestic marauder, whose voraciousness is only exceeded by his destructiveness) the moment be ventures near it. The above are only a few of the wonderful things contained m Mr. Punch’s Counter but they are all we choose to let the public into the secret of this week.