Experiment Code: TONSEQ_FY_IPLM_001 Data File Name: TONSEQ_FY_IPLM_001_DA Description: Data file containing all averaged data for each participant and their details ready for analysis Number of Total Files Under Extension: 1 Number of Files per Participant: 1 for all participants No. Rows: 73 No. Columns: 207 ROW DATA Row #: 1 Description: Column Headers Data Type: String/Text Row #: 2-65 Description: One line per participant Data Type: Varies - dependant on column COLUMN DATA Column #: 1 Name: Participant_No Description: Participant number Data Type: Numeric Column #: 2 Name: Seed Description: Random seed given to each participant to randomise their session Data Type: Numeric Column #: 3 Name: TONE Description: Between subject group Data Type: Nominal Labels: 1 = Current; 2 = Previous; 3 = Random Column #: 4 Name: Counterbalancing Description: Which tone (high or low) corresponds to a right and left trial. These are counterbalanced across participants so the responses are not advantaged by one tone configuration. Data Type: Nominal Labels: 0 = Low tone is left, High tone is right; 1 = Low tone is right, High tone is left Column #: 5 Name: Age Description: Age of participants in years Data Type: Numerical Column #: 6 Name: Gender Description: Gender of participant Data Type: Nominal Labels: 1 = Female; 2 = Male Column #: 7 Name: Handed Description: Handedness of participant Data Type: Nominal Labels: 1 = Right handed; 2 = Left handed Coloumn #: 8-87 Name: RTs Label In File: RT_subsequence_Epochn (where subsequence is the four trained subsequences LLL, LRL, RRR, RLR; and n is the Epoch number) Description: Average reaction times (RTs) for participants in msecs on inconsistent subsequences minus the consistent, trained subsequence RT. These RT difference scores show more learning with higher values. These were averaged into Epochs which contained 2 blocks (240 trials) worth of data. Data Type: Continuous Column #: 88-167 Name: Errors Label In File: ERR_subsequence_Epochn (where subsequence is the four trained subsequences LLL, LRL, RRR, RLR; and n is the Epoch number) Description: Proportion of errors for participants on inconsistent subsequences minus the consistent, trained subsequence proportion of errors. These RT difference scores show more learning with higher values. These were averaged into Epochs which contained 2 blocks (240 trials) worth of data. Data Type: Continuous Coloumn #: 168-187 Name: RTs Label In File: RT_TEST_subsequence_Bn (where subsequence is the four trained subsequences LLL, LRL, RRR, RLR; and n is the Block number) Description: Average reaction times (RTs) for participants in msecs on inconsistent subsequences minus the consistent, trained subsequence RT. These RT difference scores show more learning with higher values. These were averaged by each of the 5 Blocks (120 trials) across test. Data Type: Continuous Column #: 188-207 Name: Errors Label In File: ERR_TEST_subsequence_Bn (where subsequence is the four trained subsequences LLL, LRL, RRR, RLR; and n is the Block number) Description: Proportion of errors for participants on inconsistent subsequences minus the consistent, trained subsequence proportion of errors. These RT difference scores show more learning with higher values. These were averaged by each of the 5 Blocks (120 trials) across test. Data Type: Continuous