Experiment Code: COLSEQ_FY_IPLM_010 Data File Name: COLSEQ_FY_IPLM_010_DA Description: Data file containing all averaged data for each participant and their details ready for analysis Number of Total Files Under Extension: 1 Number of Files per Participant: 1 for all participants No. Rows: 17 No. Columns: 154 ROW DATA Row #: 1 Description: Column Headers Data Type: String/Text Row #: 2-49 Description: One line per participant Data Type: Varies - dependant on column COLUMN DATA Column #: 1 Name: ParticipantNo Description: Participant number Data Type: Numeric Column #: 2 Name: RandSeed Description: Random seed given to each participant to randomise their session Data Type: Numeric Column #: 3 Name: Age Description: Participant's age Data Type: Numeric Column #: 4 Name: Gender Description: Participant's gender Data Type: Nominal Labels: 1 = Female; 2 = Male Column #: 5 Name: RightorLeftHanded Description: Participant's dominant hand Data Type: Nominal Labels: 1 = Right; 2 = Left Column #: 6-9 Name: Colour1_Predicitve_Right; Colour2_Predictive_Left; Colour3_NonPredictive; Colour4_NonPredictive Description: Which colours were assigned to which contingencies during the experiment. Data Type: Nominal Labels: 1 = Red; 2 = Yellow; 3 = Green; 4 = Blue Column #: 10-11 Name: ColourGuess_Right;ColourGuess_Left Description: Which colours participants guessed as the predictive colour for the right and left following training Data Type: Nominal Labels: 1 = Red; 2 = Yellow; 3 = Green; 4 = Blue Column #: 12-13 Name: Correct_Right; Correct_Left Description: Whether participants were correct regarding their colour guesses (note: they did not have to have identified the correct side for this measure) Data Type: Nominal Labels: 0 = Incorrect; 1 = Correct Column #: 14-15 Name: Correct_SideCorrect_Right; Correct_SideCorrect_Left Description: Whether participants were correct regarding their colour guesses (note: they DID have to have identified the correct side for this measure) Data Type: Nominal Labels: 0 = Incorrect; 1 = Correct Column #: 16 Name: PredictionTask_TotalCorrect Description: Number of correct responses made to Predictive colours only on the prediction task Data Type: Numeric Column #: 17 Name: PredictionTask_TotalIncorrect Description: Number of incorrect responses made to Predictive colours only on the prediction task Data Type: Numeric Column #: 18 Name: PredictionTask_ProportionCorrect Description: Proportion of correct responses made to Predictive colours only on the prediction task Data Type: Numeric Columns #: 19-26 Name: PredictionTask_Colour1_ConsistentKeyPresses_Right; PredictionTask_Colour2_ConsistentKeyPresses_Left; PredictionTask_Colour1_InconsistentKeyPresses_Left; PredictionTask_Colour2_InconsistentKeyPresses_Right; PredictionTask_Colour3_DummyConsistentKeyPresses_Right; PredictionTask_Colour4_DummyConsistentKeyPresses_Left; PredictionTask_Colour3_DummyInconsistentKeyPresses_Left; PredictionTask_Colour4_DummyInconsistentKeyPresses_Right Description: Number of key presses for each type of prediction task trial Data Type: Numeric Columns #: 27-34 Name: PredictionTask_Colour1_ConsistentRT_Right; PredictionTask_Colour2_ConsistentRT_Left; PredictionTask_Colour1_InconsistentRT_Left; PredictionTask_Colour2_InconsistentRT_Right; PredictionTask_Colour3_DummyConsistentRT_Right PredictionTask_Colour4_DummyConsistentRT_Left; PredictionTask_Colour3_DummyInconsistentRT_Left; PredictionTask_Colour4_DummyInconsistentRT_Right Description: Average RT (msecs) for each type of prediction task trial Data Type: Numeric Column #: 35-94 Name: Reaction times Label In File: Consistent_RT_Blockn; Inconsistent_RT_Blockn; Control_RT_Blockn where n is the block number from 1-20 Description: Average reaction times (RTs) for each participant in milliseconds (msecs). Data Type: Numeric Column #: 95-154 Name: Errors Label In File: Consistent_ERR_Blockn; Inconsistent_ERR_Blockn; Control_ERR_Blockn where n is the block number from 1-20 Description: Average proportion of errors for each participant. Data Type: Numeric