Experiment Code: COLOUR_FY_IPLM_010 Data File Name: COLOUR_FY_IPLM_010_training_xxx (where xxx = participant number) Description: Data files separately for each participant that contain trial by trial information on exactly the stimuli and responses that occurred in each session. Raw data. Number of Total Files Under Extension: 16 Number of Files per Participant: 1 No. Rows: 7 No. Columns: 2400 ROW DATA Row #: 1 Name: --- Description: Filled with 1s as no sequence information in this exp Row #: 2 Name: Response required Description: This gives information about what response in being required on that trial (i.e. which circle flashes up) Data Type: Nominal Labels: 0 = Left; 1 = Right Row #: 3 Name: Colour Description: This gives information about what colour has been shown on that trial Data Type: Nominal Labels: 1 = Colour 1 (Predictive Consistent); 2 = Colour 2 (Predictive Inconsistent); 3 = Colour 3 (Non Predictive); 4 = Colour 4 (Non Predictive); 5 = Colour 1 (Predictive Inconsistent); 6 = Colour 2 (Predictive Consistent); 7 = Colour 3 (Non Predictive); 8 = Colour 4 (Non Predictive) Row #: 4 Name: RT & Error recorded data Description: Records key press response of participant in msecs. Positive values indicate a correct response whereas a negative value records the RTs but for the opposite incorrect response. A -9 is shown when participants press neither of the response keys or the trial times out. Data Type: Continuous (and nominal) Labels: -9 = pressed other key than x or > / pressed no key Row #: 5 Row #: 6 Name: --- Description: In other experiments trials ordered into triplets - this has no relevance here Row #: 7 Name: Block Number Description: Identifies which block the trial is in from 1-20 Data Type: Numeric COLUMN DATA Column #: 1-2400 Description: Each column represents one trial. There are 2400 total trials. Data Type: Each column contains data for each trial, the rows give details of what is recorded for each trial.