Experiment Code: COLSEQ_FY_IPLM_004 Data File Name: COLSEQ_FY_IPLM_004_DA Description: Data file containing all averaged data for each participant and their details ready for analysis Number of Total Files Under Extension: 1 Number of Files per Participant: 1 for all participants No. Rows: 49 No. Columns: 324 ROW DATA Row #: 1 Description: Column Headers Data Type: String/Text Row #: 2-49 Description: One line per participant Data Type: Varies - dependant on column COLUMN DATA Column #: 1 Name: ParticipantNo Description: Participant number Data Type: Numeric Column #: 2 Name: RandSeed Description: Random seed given to each participant to randomise their session Data Type: Numeric Column #: 3 Name: Group Description: Between subject group Data Type: Nominal Labels: 1 = Dual; 2 = Sequence; 3 = Colour Column #: 4 Name: Counterbalancing Description: Which response (right or left) corresponds to the labels in the data files of X and Y. These are counterbalanced across participants so the sequences are not confounded with a bias to one response. Data Type: Nominal Labels: 0 = X is left, Y is right; 1 = X is right, Y is left Column #: 5-84 Name: Sequence RTs Label In File: SEQ_RT_XX_Bn; SEQ_RT_XY_Bn; SEQ_RT_YX_Bn; SEQ_RT_YY_Bn where n is the block number from 1-20 Description: Average inconsistent reaction times (RTs) minus consistent RTs for participant in milliseconds (msecs). Higher scores = more learning. Averaged separately for each of the four subsequence stems (XX, XY, YX, YY) and for each block Data Type: Continuous Column #: 85-164 Name: Sequence Errors Label In File: SEQ_ERR_XX_Bn; SEQ_ERR_XY_Bn; SEQ_ERR_YX_Bn; SEQ_ERR_YY_Bn where n is the block number from 1-20 Description: Average inconsistent proportion of errors minus consistent proportion of errors for participant. Higher scores = more learning. Averaged separately for each of the four subsequence stems (XX, XY, YX, YY) and for each block Data Type: Continuous Column #: 165-244 Name: Colour RTs Label In File: COL_RT_LeftCon; COL_RT_RightCon; COL_RT_LeftIncon; COL_RT_RightIncon where n is the block number from 1-20 Description: Average reaction times (RTs) for participant in milliseconds (msecs). Higher scores = slower RTs. Averaged separately for the colours that were being trained to go more left or right, and whether they were consistent or inconsistent with this (i.e. LeftCon = a 'left' colour on a left trial; LeftIncon = a 'left' colour on a right trial) for each block Data Type: Continuous Column #: 245-324 Name: Colour Errors Label In File: COL_ERR_LeftCon; COL_ERR_RightCon; COL_ERR_LeftIncon; COL_ERR_RightIncon where n is the block number from 1-20 Description: Proportion of errors for participant. Higher scores = more errors. Averaged separately for the colours that were being trained to go more left or right, and whether they were consistent or inconsistent with this (i.e. LeftCon = a 'left' colour on a left trial; LeftIncon = a 'left' colour on a right trial) for each block Data Type: Continuous