Tyler F, Fisher D, d’Ettorre P, Rodríguez-Muñoz R, Tregenza T (2015). Chemical cues mediate species recognition in field crickets. Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution – Chemical Ecology. DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2015.00048 Tyler et al Frontiers15 Gryllus CHC Peak Areas Relative peak sizes of each of the 44 CHCs, for each individual cricket. CHCs are listed in order of retention time. Relative peak size was calculated by dividing the peak area of a given compound by the peak area of the internal standard in that sample. Sex (‘female’ or ‘male’) and species (‘G.bimac’ or ‘G.camp’) are given for each cricket. Tyler et al Frontiers15 Aggression to Heterospecifics Level of aggression expressed by G. campestris females towards G. bimaculatus males prior to and after antennal treatment. Antennae were either treated with a control (‘Control’) or chemically ablated (‘Zinc sulphate’). Aggression was recorded as seconds spent performing aggressive behavior before and after treatment (‘Pre Seconds’ and ‘Post Seconds’) and as number of mandible flares (‘Pre Flares’ and ‘Post Flares’). Change in aggression was calculated as the aggression value in the post-treatment trial, minus the aggression value in the pre-treatment trial (‘Change Seconds’ or ‘Change Flares’).