Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    18 December 2009Effects of frozen soil on soil temperature, spring infiltration, and runoff: results from the PILPS 2(d) experiment at Valdai, Russia  Luo, Lifeng; Robock, Alan; Vinnikov, Konstantin Y.; et al.
    28 May 2011Highly contrasting effects of different climate forcing agents on terrestrial ecosystem services  Huntingford, C; Cox, Peter M.; Mercado, LM; et al.
    2001The representation of snow in land surface schemes: results from PILPS 2(d)  Slater, Andrew G.; Schlosser, C. Adam; Desborough, C. E.; et al.
    2003The sensitivity of global climate model simulations to the representation of soil moisture heterogeneity  Gedney, Nicola; Cox, Peter M.