Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)  Cook et al, I
    23 November 2016GB Energy Governance for Innovation, Sustainability and Affordability: An institutional framework  Mitchell, CHC; Lockwood, M; Hoggett, RD
    28 November 2016Governing for Innovation, Sustainability and Affordability: An institutional framework  Mitchell, CHC; Lockwood, M; Hoggett, RD; et al.
    19 January 2017Submission: BEIS/Ofgem – Smart, Flexible Energy System – a call for evidence  Mitchell, CHC; Hoggett, RD; Woodman, B
    12 February 2017Submission: National Infrastructure Assessment Call for Evidence  Mitchell, C; Hoggett, RD; Lockwood, M