Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    18 April 2018Breaking through disciplinary barriers: Human–wildlife interactions and multispecies ethnography  Parathian, H; McLennan, MR; Hill, CM; et al.
    29 October 2021Developing an Evidence-Based Coexistence Strategy to Promote Human and Wildlife Health in a Biodiverse Agroforest Landscape  Bersacola, E; Parathian, H; Frazão-Moreira, A; et al.
    1 April 2020Plantas usadas por chimpanzés e humanos no Cantanhez, Guiné-Bissau. Guia de campo  Catarino, L; Frazão-Moreira, A; Bessa, J; et al.
    1 April 2020Plants used by chimpanzees and humans in Cantanhez, Guinea-Bissau. Field guide  Catarino, L; Frazão-Moreira, A; Bessa, J; et al.