Now showing items 1-7 of 7

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    17 March 2009Ancient diversification of eukaryotic MCM DNA replication proteins  Aves, Stephen; Richards, Thomas A; Liu, Yuan
    1 December 2011Cassettes for PCR-mediated gene tagging in Candida albicans utilizing nourseothricin resistance  Milne, SW; Cheetham, Jill; Lloyd, D; et al.
    1 February 2010Cell cycle-mediated regulation of plant infection by the rice blast fungus.  Talbot, Nicholas J.; Aves, Stephen; Saunders, Diane
    1 September 2003Fission Yeast Cdc23/Mcm10 Functions after Pre-replicative Complex Formation to Promote Cdc45 Chromatin Binding  Gregan, Juraj; Lindner, Karola; Brimage, Lydia; et al.
    10 November 2011Mcm10 interacts with Rad4/Cut5(TopBP1) and its association with origins of DNA replication is dependent on Rad4/Cut5(TopBP1).  Taylor, M; Murray, J; Price, C; et al.
    1 August 2014Role of Candida albicans Tem1 in mitotic exit and cytokinesis  Milne, SW; Cheetham, Jill; Lloyd, D; et al.
    1 December 1986suc1 is an essential gene involved in both the cell cycle and growth in fission yeast  Hayles, Jacqueline; Aves, Stephen; Nurse, Paul