Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    30 August 2016Enhanced spectral histology in the colon using high-magnification benchtop FTIR imaging  Nallala, J; Rhys Lloyd, G; Hermes, M; et al.
    24 January 2018Mid-IR hyperspectral imaging for label-free histopathology and cytology  Hermes, M; Morrish, RB; Huot, L; et al.
    24 July 2019Single cell imaging of nuclear architecture changes  Brandstrup Morrish, R; Hermes, M; Metz, J; et al.
    23 May 2019Video-rate, mid-infrared hyperspectral upconversion imaging.  Junaid, S; Chaitanya Kumar, S; Mathez, M; et al.