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dc.contributor.authorKatz, Gabrielen_GB
dc.contributor.authorAlvarez, RMen_GB
dc.contributor.authorPomares, Jen_GB
dc.description.abstractWe analyze trust in electronic voting in Latin America using data from two field experiments conducted in Argentina and Colombia. We find that voters generally exhibit high levels of confidence in e-voting, although this depends on individual characteristics such as age and education as well as on the particular type of technology used. We contrast our findings with those from industrialized democracies and show that conclusions derived from American and European e-voting experiences cannot be directly extrapolated to the Latin American context. Overall, our results suggest that e-voting could provide an attractive alternative to traditional voting procedures in the region.en_GB
dc.identifier.citationVol. 8, pp. 199 - 217en_GB
dc.titleThe Impact of New Technologies on Voter Confidence in Latin America: Evidence from E-voting Experiments in Argentina and Colombiaen_GB
dc.descriptionpublication-status: Publisheden_GB
dc.descriptiontypes: Articleen_GB
dc.identifier.journalJournal of Information Technology and Politicsen_GB
dc.identifier.journalJournal of Information Technology and Politicsen_GB

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