Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    19 July 2019Navigating the maze: Qualitative research methodologies and their philosophical foundations  Bleiker, J; Morgan-Trimmer, S; Knapp, K; et al.
    20 August 2020New drugs on the horizon for cerebral edema: what’s in the clinical development pipeline?  Robert, SM; Reeves, BC; Alper, SL; et al.
    29 August 2018New graduate doctors' preparedness for practice: A multistakeholder, multicentre narrative study  Monrouxe, LV; Bullock, A; Gormley, G; et al.
    21 May 2021Non-coding region variants upstream of MEF2C cause severe developmental disorder through three distinct loss-of-function mechanisms  Wright, CF; Quaife, NM; Ramos-Hernández, L; et al.