Now showing items 1-10 of 10

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    2 March 2023Author Correction: Newly initiated carbon stock, organic soil accumulation patterns and main driving factors in the High Arctic Svalbard, Norway  Juselius, T; Ravolainen, V; Zhang, H; et al.
    13 September 2022Ecological resilience of restored peatlands to climate change  Loisel, J; Gallego-Sala, A
    10 September 2022How far from a pristine state are the peatlands in the Białowieża Primeval Forest (CE Europe) – Palaeoecological insights on peatland and forest development from multi-proxy studies  Gałka, M; Knorr, K-H; Tobolski, K; et al.
    17 August 2023Insights for restoration: Reconstructing the drivers of long-term local fire events and vegetation turnover of a tropical peatland in Central Kalimantan  Ramdzan, KNM; Moss, PT; Jacobsen, G; et al.
    18 March 2022Newly initiated carbon stock, organic soil accumulation patterns and main driving factors in the High Arctic Svalbard, Norway.  Juselius, T; Ravolainen, V; Zhang, H; et al.
    13 January 2020Shifts in national land use and food production in Great Britain after a climate tipping point  Bateman, IJ; Ritchie, P; Smith, G; et al.
    27 August 2024Tropical peat composition may provide a negative feedback on fire occurrence and severity.  Crawford, AJ; Belcher, CM; New, S; et al.
    8 September 2023The tropical peatland archaeal lipidome – influence of vegetation and redox on diversity  Pancost, RD; Blewett, J; Naafs, BDA; et al.
    10 September 2023Tropical peatland biogeochemistry along an ecological transect: the enigmatic fate of organic matter  Vreeken, M; Blewett, J; Smit, NT; et al.
    14 November 2023The Zero Emissions Commitment and climate stabilization  Corner, SP; Siegert, M; Ceppi, P; et al.