Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    21 November 2001Advanced sale of service capacities: a theoretical analysis of the impact of price sensitivity on pricing and capacity allocations  Lee, Khai S.; Ng, Irene C. L.
    15 October 2008Competition in the advanced sale of service capacity  Ng, Irene C. L.; Lee, Khai S.
    1 September 2007An integrative framework of preemption strategies  Lee, Khai S.; Ng, Irene C. L.
    2008Production Cost, Transaction Cost, and Outsourcing Strategy: A Game Theoretic Analysis  Lee, Khai S.; Ng, Irene C. L.
    1999The strategic role of unused service capacity  Ng, Irene C. L.; Wirtz, Jochen; Lee, Khai S.