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dc.contributor.authorRoberts, MJ
dc.contributor.authorGale, TCE
dc.contributor.authorMcGrath, JS
dc.contributor.authorWilson, MR
dc.description.abstract© 2015 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht The ability to work under pressure is a vital non-technical skill for doctors working in acute medical specialties. Individuals who evaluate potentially stressful situations as challenging rather than threatening may perform better under pressure and be more resilient to stress and burnout. Training programme recruitment processes provide an important opportunity to examine applicants’ reactions to acute stress. In the context of multi-station selection centres for recruitment to anaesthesia training programmes, we investigated the factors influencing candidates’ pre-station challenge/threat evaluations and the extent to which their evaluations predicted subsequent station performance. Candidates evaluated the perceived stress of upcoming stations using a measure of challenge/threat evaluation—the cognitive appraisal ratio (CAR)—and consented to release their demographic details and station scores. Using regression analyses we determined which candidate and station factors predicted variation in the CAR and whether, after accounting for these factors, the CAR predicted candidate performance in the station. The CAR was affected by the nature of the station and candidate gender, but not age, ethnicity, country of training or clinical experience. Candidates perceived stations involving work related tasks as more threatening. After controlling for candidates’ demographic and professional profiles, the CAR significantly predicted station performance: ‘challenge’ evaluations were associated with better performance, though the effect was weak. Our selection centre model can help recruit prospective anaesthetists who are able to rise to the challenge of performing in stressful situations but results do not support the direct use of challenge/threat data for recruitment decisions.en_GB
dc.description.sponsorshipFunding was granted as a pilot for selection to acute specialities from the Department of Health (England). M.J.R.’s research post was funded through this grant, as were sessional time allocations for T.C.E.G. All opinions in the manuscript are those of the authors only and recommendations or policy from the DH should not be inferred from this work.en_GB
dc.identifier.citationFirst online: 14 August 2015en_GB
dc.publisherSpringer Verlag (Germany)en_GB
dc.rights.embargoreasonPublisher's policy.en_GB
dc.rightsCopyright © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2015. This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Springer Verlag (Germany) via
dc.subjectChallenge and threaten_GB
dc.subjectNon-technical skillsen_GB
dc.subjectPsychological stressen_GB
dc.subjectSpecialty trainingen_GB
dc.titleRising to the challenge: acute stress appraisals and selection centre performance in applicants to postgraduate specialty training in anaesthesiaen_GB
dc.descriptionArticle in Pressen_GB
dc.identifier.journalAdvances in Health Sciences Educationen_GB

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