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dc.contributor.authorBreeze, PR
dc.contributor.authorThomas, C
dc.contributor.authorSquires, H
dc.contributor.authorBrennan, A
dc.contributor.authorGreaves, C
dc.contributor.authorDiggle, P
dc.contributor.authorBrunner, E
dc.contributor.authorTabak, A
dc.contributor.authorPreston, L
dc.contributor.authorChilcott, J
dc.description.abstractAIM: To analyse the cost-effectiveness of different interventions for Type 2 diabetes prevention. within a common framework METHODS: A micro-simulation model was developed to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of a range of diabetes prevention interventions including: (1) soft drinks taxation; (2) retail policy in socially deprived areas; (3) workplace intervention; (4) community-based intervention; and (5) screening and intensive lifestyle intervention in individuals with high diabetes risk. Within the model, individuals follow metabolic trajectories (for BMI, cholesterol, systolic blood pressure and glycaemia); individuals may develop diabetes, and some may exhibit complications of diabetes and related disorders, including cardiovascular disease, and eventually die. Lifetime healthcare costs, employment costs and quality-adjusted life-years are collected for each person. RESULTS: All interventions generate more life-years and lifetime quality-adjusted life-years and reduce healthcare spending compared with doing nothing. Screening and intensive lifestyle intervention generates greatest lifetime net benefit (£37) but is costly to implement. In comparison, soft drinks taxation or retail policy generate lower net benefit (£11 and £11) but are cost-saving in a shorter time period, preferentially benefit individuals from deprived backgrounds and reduce employer costs. CONCLUSION: The model enables a wide range of diabetes prevention interventions to be evaluated according to cost-effectiveness, employment and equity impacts over the short and long term, allowing decision-makers to prioritize policies that maximize the expected benefits, as well as fulfilling other policy targets, such as addressing social inequalities. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.en_GB
dc.description.sponsorshiphis study presents independent research funded by the National Institute for Health Research School for Public Health Research. Researchers worked, wrote the report and decided to submit it for publication entirely independently from the funders.en_GB
dc.identifier.citationPublished online 10 March 2017en_GB
dc.publisherWiley for Diabetes UKen_GB
dc.rights.embargoreasonPublisher policyen_GB
dc.titleCost-effectiveness of population-based, community, workplace and individual policies for diabetes prevention in the UKen_GB
dc.descriptionThis is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via the DOI in this record.en_GB
dc.identifier.journalDiabetic Medicineen_GB

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