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dc.contributor.authorWhite, MG
dc.contributor.authorMaheshwari, RR
dc.contributor.authorAnderson, SJ
dc.contributor.authorBerlinguer-Palmini, R
dc.contributor.authorJones, C
dc.contributor.authorRichardson, SJ
dc.contributor.authorRotti, PG
dc.contributor.authorArmour, SL
dc.contributor.authorDing, Y
dc.contributor.authorKrasnogor, N
dc.contributor.authorEngelhardt, JF
dc.contributor.authorGray, MA
dc.contributor.authorMorgan, NG
dc.contributor.authorShaw, JAM
dc.description.abstractCONTEXT: Although diabetes affects 40-50% of adults with cystic fibrosis, remarkably little is known regarding the underlying mechanisms leading to impaired pancreatic β-cell insulin secretion. Efforts towards improving the functional β-cell deficit in cystic fibrosis related diabetes (CFRD) have been hampered by an incomplete understanding of whether β-cell function is intrinsically regulated by CFTR. Definitively excluding meaningful CFTR expression in human β-cells in situ would contribute significantly to the understanding of CFRD pathogenesis. OBJECTIVE: To determine CFTR mRNA and protein expression within β-cells in situ in the unmanipulated human pancreas of donors without any known pancreatic pathology. DESIGN: In situ hybridisation for CFTR mRNA expression in parallel with insulin immunohistochemical staining; and immunofluorescence co-localisation of CFTR with insulin and the ductal marker, Keratin-7, were undertaken in pancreatic tissue blocks from 10 normal adult, non-obese deceased organ donors over a wide age range (23-71 years) with quantitative image analysis. RESULTS: CFTR mRNA was detectable in 0.45 (0.17-0.83)% (mean(range)) of insulin-positive cells. CFTR protein expression was co-localised with Keratin-7. 100% of insulin-positive cells were immunonegative for CFTR. CONCLUSIONS: For the first time, in situ CFTR mRNA expression in the unmanipulated pancreas has been shown to be present in only a very small minority (<1%) of normal adult β-cells. These data signal a need to move away from studying endocrine-intrinsic mechanisms and focus on elucidation of exocrine-endocrine interactions in human cystic fibrosis.en_GB
dc.description.sponsorshipNational Institute for Health Research (NIHR)en_GB
dc.description.sponsorshipCystic Fibrosis Trusten_GB
dc.description.sponsorshipMedical Research Council (MRC)en_GB
dc.identifier.citationPublished online 21 November 2019en_GB
dc.publisherOxford University Press (OUP) / Endocrine Society [en_GB
dc.rights.embargoreasonUnder embargo until 21 November 2020 in compliance with publisher policyen_GB
dc.rights© Endocrine Society 2019. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: This article is published and distributed under the terms of the Oxford University Press, Standard Journals Publication Model (
dc.subjectcystic fibrosis related diabetesen_GB
dc.subjectcystic fibrosis transmembrane regulatoren_GB
dc.subjectin situ hybridisationen_GB
dc.titleIn situ analysis reveals that CFTR is expressed in only a small minority of β-cells in normal adult human pancreasen_GB
dc.typeArticleen_GB Statesen_GB
dc.descriptionThis is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Oxford University Press via the DOI in this recorden_GB
dc.identifier.journalJournal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolismen_GB
rioxxterms.typeJournal Article/Reviewen_GB

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