Now showing items 21-40 of 267

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    1 June 2010Bolivia's regional elections  Flesken, Anaïd
    2004A break-even analysis of UK universities  McMeeking, Kevin P.
    1 December 2006Britain's single currency debate of the late 1860s  Maloney, John
    2008Britain, America and the origins of the European Payments Union: a reassessment  Geiger, Till; Toye, Richard
    11 December 2011British Economic Growth, 1270-1870: an Output-Based approach  Broadberry, S; Campbell, B; Klein, A; et al.
    2014Broken Contracts and Hidden Partnerships: Theory and Experiment  Chen, J; Houser, D
    2010Business corruption: cheating the system or using opportunities?  Porkess, Katie; Schroeder, Jonathan
    1 March 2007Can Behavioural Finance Explain the Term Structure Puzzles?  Bulkley, George; Harris, Richard D. F.; Nawosah, Vivekanand
    1 July 2007Can the Cross-Sectional Variation in Expected Stock Returns Explain Momentum?  Bulkley, George; Nawosah, Vivekanand
    1 March 2004Can tuition fees be justified? A break-even analysis of the financial statements of UK universities  McMeeking, Kevin P.
    2007Capabilities and competencies: toward strategic resonance between operations and strategy processes within firms  Brown, Steve; Squire, Brian
    1 October 2010Cash acquirers: free cash flow, shareholder monitoring, and shareholder returns  Gregory, Alan; Wang, Yuan-Hsin
    17 July 2013CCAL Data Management Guidelines  Mertens, Myriam; Verbruggen, Frederick
    12 August 2015Chimera states in networks of phase oscillators: the case of two small populations  Panaggio, Mark J.; Abrams, Daniel M.; Ashwin, Peter; et al.
    2012Cloud Storage Guidance for the University of Exeter  Evans, Jill; Cole, Gareth
    5 March 2015Collusion to Crackdown: Islamist-Military Relations in Egypt  Ashour, Omar
    5 March 2018Commitments to Give-if-you-Win Exceed Donations After a Win  Reinstein, D; Riener, G; Kellner, C
    5 March 2018Compliance and control: How performance measures make and unmake universities (Working Paper)  Soin, K; Huber, C; Wheatley, S
    1 January 2010Compulsory and voluntary annuities markets in the UK  Cannon, Edmund; Tonks, Ian
    29 April 2017A computational investigation of the finite-time blow-up of the 3D incompressible Euler equations based on the Voigt regularization  Larios, Adam; Petersen, Mark; Titi, Edriss S.; et al.