Now showing items 1-8 of 8

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    22 May 2015Carbon cycle. The dominant role of semi-arid ecosystems in the trend and variability of the land CO₂ sink  Ahlström, A; Raupach, MR; Schurgers, G; et al.
    16 January 2017Compensatory water effects link yearly global land CO2 sink changes to temperature.  Jung, M; Reichstein, M; Schwalm, CR; et al.
    8 October 2013Evaluation of land surface models in reproducing satellite-derived LAI over the high-latitude northern hemisphere. Part I: Uncoupled DGVMs  Murray-Tortarolo, G; Anav, A; Friedlingstein, P; et al.
    16 October 2014Evidence for a weakening relationship between interannual temperature variability and northern vegetation activity.  Piao, S; Nan, H; Huntingford, C; et al.
    8 May 2013The global carbon budget 1959-2011  Le Quéré, C; Andres, RJ; Boden, T; et al.
    8 August 2015Multicriteria evaluation of discharge simulation in Dynamic Global Vegetation Models  Yang, H; Piao, S; Zeng, Z; et al.
    2 February 2015Recent trends and drivers of regional sources and sinks of carbon dioxide  Sitch, S; Friedlingstein, P; Gruber, N; et al.
    12 March 2018Sources of uncertainty in modeled land carbon storage within and across three MIPs: Diagnosis with three new techniques  Zhou, S; Liang, J; Luc, X; et al.