Now showing items 1-7 of 7

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    5 April 2022Earth stewardship: Shaping a sustainable future through interacting policy and norm shifts  Chapin, FS; Weber, EU; Bennett, EM; et al.
    7 September 2021Governance in the face of extreme events: lessons from evolutionary processes for structuring interventions, and the need to go beyond  Levin, SA; Anderies, JM; Adger, N; et al.
    22 December 2022Molnupiravir plus usual care versus usual care alone as early treatment for adults with COVID-19 at increased risk of adverse outcomes (PANORAMIC): an open-label, platform-adaptive randomised controlled trial  Butler, CC; Hobbs, FDR; Gbinigie, OA; et al.
    7 August 2023Platform adaptive trial of novel antivirals for early treatment of COVID-19 In the community (PANORAMIC): protocol for a randomised, controlled, open-label, adaptive platform trial of community novel antiviral treatment of COVID-19 in people at increased risk of more severe disease  Gbinigie, O; Ogburn, E; Allen, J; et al.
    12 March 2020Social dimensions of fertility behavior and consumption patterns in the Anthropocene  Barrett, S; Dasgupta, A; Dasgupta, P; et al.
    4 January 2024"They had clothes on their back and they had food in their stomach, but they didn't have me": The contribution of parental mental health problems, substance use, and domestic violence and abuse on young people and parents.  Kedzior, SGE; Barrett, S; Muir, C; et al.
    23 October 2020Urbanization, Migration, and Adaptation to Climate Change  Adger, WN; Crépin, A-S; Folke, C; et al.