Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    6 November 2014Foliar trait contrasts between African forest and savanna trees: Genetic versus environmental effects  Schrodt, F.; Domingues, T.F.; Feldpausch, T.R.; et al.
    5 May 2011Height-diameter allometry of tropical forest trees  Feldpausch, T.R.; Banin, L; Phillips, OL; et al.
    26 August 2015The influence of C3 and C4 vegetation on soil organic matter dynamics in contrasting semi-natural tropical ecosystems  Saiz, G.; Bird, Michael I.; Wurster, C; et al.
    21 May 2015Structural, physiognomic and above-ground biomass variation in savanna-forest transition zones on three continents - How different are co-occurring savanna and forest formations?  Veenendaal, E; Torello-Raventos, M.; Feldpausch, T.R.; et al.