Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    10 June 2020El Niño Driven Changes in Global Fire 2015/16  Burton, C; Betts, RA; Jones, CD; et al.
    7 November 2023RECCAP2 future component: Consistency and potential for regional assessment to constrain global projections  Jones, CD; Ziehn, T; Anand, J; et al.
    19 July 2018Representation of disturbance in the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator Vn4.8 (JULES)  Burton, C; Betts, R; Cardoso, M; et al.
    9 January 2019Representation of fire, land-use change and vegetation dynamics in the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator vn4.9 (JULES)  Burton, C; Betts, R; Cardoso, M; et al.