Now showing items 1-20 of 21

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    16 October 2021Accuracy and power analysis of social networks built from count data  Hart, JDA; Franks, DW; Brent, LJN; et al.
    16 June 2021Age and sex influence social interactions, but not associations, within a killer whale pod  Weiss, MN; Franks, DW; Giles, DA; et al.
    26 June 2020Calculating effect sizes in animal social network analysis  Franks, DW; Weiss, MN; Silk, M; et al.
    9 October 2020Common datastream permutations of animal social network data are not appropriate for hypothesis testing using regression models  Weiss, MN; Franks, DW; Brent, LJN; et al.
    29 October 2022Common permutation methods in animal social network analysis do not control for non-independence  Hart, JDA; Weiss, MN; Brent, LJN; et al.
    8 February 2023Costly lifetime maternal investment in killer whales  Weiss, MN; Ellis, S; Franks, DW; et al.
    5 March 2015Ecological knowledge, leadership, and the evolution of menopause in killer whales  Brent, LJ; Franks, DW; Foster, EA; et al.
    5 March 2015Ecological Knowledge, Leadership, and the Evolution of Menopause in Killer Whales  Brent, LJN; Franks, DW; Foster, EA; et al.
    24 January 2022The effect of age, sex, and resource abundance on patterns of rake markings in resident killer whales (Orcinus orca)  Grimes, C; Brent, LJN; Weiss, MN; et al.
    13 March 2024The evolution of menopause in toothed whales  Ellis, S; Franks, DW; Nielsen, MLK; et al.
    14 May 2015The evolution of prolonged life after reproduction  Croft, Darren P; Brent, LJN; Franks, DW; et al.
    2 February 2017Fear of predation drives stable and differentiated social relationships in guppies  Heathcote, RJP; Darden, SK; Franks, DW; et al.
    18 August 2021Kinship dynamics: patterns and consequences of changes in local relatedness  Croft, DP; Weiss, MN; Nielsen, MLK; et al.
    16 June 2021A long post-reproductive lifespan is a shared trait among genetically distinct killer whale populations  Nielsen, MLK; Ellis, S; Towers, JR; et al.
    19 January 2019Measuring the complexity of social associations using mixture models  Weiss, MN; Franks, DW; Croft, D; et al.
    5 April 2021Mixture models as a method for comparative sociality: social networks and demographic change in resident killer whales  Ellis, S; Franks, DW; Weiss, MN; et al.
    25 October 2017Mortality risk and social network position in resident killer whales: sex differences and the importance of resource abundance  Ellis, S; Franks, DW; Nattrass, S; et al.
    26 September 2022Patterns and consequences of age-linked change in local relatedness in animal societies  Ellis, S; Johnstone, RA; Cant, MA; et al.
    31 January 2018Post-reproductive lifespans are rare in mammals  Ellis, S; Franks, DW; Nattrass, S; et al.
    9 December 2019Postreproductive killer whale grandmothers improve the survival of their grandoffspring  Nattrass, S; Croft, D; Ellis, S; et al.