Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    26 April 2023Basin-wide variation in tree hydraulic safety margins predicts the carbon balance of Amazon forests  Tavares, JV; Oliveira, RS; Mencuccini, M; et al.
    3 April 2009Disentangling regional and local tree diversity in the Amazon  Stropp, J; ter Steege, H; Malhi, Y; et al.
    1 May 2014Fast demographic traits promote high diversification rates of Amazonian trees  Baker, Tim; Pennington, R. Toby; Magallon, Susana; et al.
    2012Tree height integrated into pantropical forest biomass estimates  Feldpausch, T.R.; Lloyd, J; Lewis, Simon L.; et al.