Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    7 September 2017Consistent individual differences drive collective behaviour and group functioning of schooling fish  Jolles, JW; Boogert, NJ; Sridhar, VH; et al.
    1 April 2013Heterogeneous structure in mixed-species corvid flocks in flight  Jolles, JW; King, AJ; Manica, A; et al.
    28 February 2014Jackdaw nestlings can discriminate between conspecific calls but do not beg specifically to their parents  Zandberg, L; Jolles, JW; Boogert, NJ; et al.
    7 February 2018Repeatable group differences in the collective behaviour of stickleback shoals across ecological contexts.  Jolles, JW; Laskowski, KL; Boogert, NJ; et al.
    13 September 2016Seasonal changes in neophobia and its consistency in rooks: the effect of novelty type and dominance position  Greggor, AL; Jolles, JW; Thornton, JAN; et al.
    23 May 2022Vocally mediated consensus decisions govern mass departures from jackdaw roosts  Dibnah, AJ; Herbert-Read, JE; Boogert, NJ; et al.