Now showing items 1-20 of 34

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    1 January 2013Arctic ocean benthic foraminiferal faunal change associated with the onset of perennial sea ice in the Middle Miocene  Kender, S; Kaminski, MA
    3 December 2019Benthic foraminifera indicate Glacial North Pacific Intermediate Water and reduced primary productivity over Bowers Ridge, Bering Sea, since the Mid-Brunhes Transition  Kender, S; Aturamu, A; Zalasiewicz, J; et al.
    19 December 2018Closure of the Bering Strait caused Mid-Pleistocene Transition cooling  Kender, S; Ravelo, AC; Worne, S; et al.
    15 September 2019Coupled climate and subarctic Pacific nutrient upwelling over the last 850,000 years  Worne, S; Kender, S; Swann, GEA; et al.
    23 May 2024Cumberland Bay (South Georgia) glacial evolution during the Holocene  Wilkin, JTR; McClymont, E; Allen, C; et al.
    24 July 2017Deglacial changes in flow and frontal structure through the Drake Passage  Roberts, J; McCave, IN; McClymont, EL; et al.
    1 December 2009Do volcanoes trigger climate change?  Kender, S; Peck, V; Smellie, J
    27 June 2023Elevated productivity during Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 in the Mentelle Basin, Western Australia (IODP Expedition 369), indicated by benthic foraminifera and geochemical proxies  Kender, S; Walker-Trivett, C; Edvardsen, T; et al.
    4 September 2021Evidence of a South Asian proto‐monsoon during the Oligocene–Miocene transition  Beasley, C; Kender, S; Giosan, L; et al.
    19 January 2016Evolution of South Atlantic density and chemical stratification across the last deglaciation  Roberts, J; Gottschalk, J; Skinner, LC; et al.
    2005Foraminifera from the Eocene variegated shales near Barwinek (Magura unit, Outer Carpathians), the type locality of Noth (1912) revisited  Kender, S; Kaminski, MA; Cieszkowski, M
    24 October 2012Isotopic and palynological evidence for a new Early Jurassic environmental perturbation  Riding, JB; Leng, MJ; Kender, S; et al.
    18 March 2017Karreriella perforata n. sp. : a new Pliocene agglutinated benthic foraminifer with a perforated wall structure from the southern Bering Sea  Kaminski, MA; Kender, S
    15 September 2020Late quaternary sea-ice and sedimentary redox conditions in the eastern Bering Sea – Implications for ventilation of the mid-depth North Pacific and an Atlantic-Pacific seesaw mechanism  Detlef, H; Sosdian, SM; Belt, ST; et al.
    5 January 2018"Live" (stained) benthic foraminiferal living depths, stable isotopes, and taxonomy offshore South Georgia, Southern Ocean: Implications for calcification depths  Dejardin, R; Kender, S; Allen, CS; et al.
    17 June 2016Mid Pleistocene foraminiferal mass extinction coupled with phytoplankton evolution  Kender, S; McClymont, EL; Elmore, AC; et al.
    5 April 2017Modern deep-water agglutinated foraminifera from IODP Expedition 323, Bering Sea: ecological and taxonomic implications  Kender, S; Kaminski, MA
    21 September 2019Multi-elemental composition of authigenic carbonates in benthic foraminifera from the eastern Bering Sea continental margin (International Ocean Discovery Program Site U1343)  Detlef, H; Sosdian, SM; Kender, S; et al.
    11 June 2018Neodymium evidence for increased Circumpolar Deep Water flow to the North Pacific during the middle Miocene climate transition  Kender, S; Bogus, KA; Cobb, TD; et al.
    15 June 2024Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 triggered by Kerguelen volcanism  Walker-Trivett, CA; Kender, S; Bogus, KA; et al.