Now showing items 1-8 of 8

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    14 April 2021The contribution of depressive ‘disorder characteristics’ to determinations of prognosis for adults with depression: an individual patient data meta-analysis  Buckman, JEJ; Saunders, R; Cohen, ZD; et al.
    26 February 2013Influence of initial severity of depression on effectiveness of low intensity interventions: Meta-analysis of individual patient data  Bower, Peter; Kontopantelis, E; Sutton, A; et al.
    17 December 2021Life events and treatment prognosis for depression: A systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis.  Buckman, JEJ; Saunders, R; Arundell, L-L; et al.
    4 December 2021A patient stratification approach to identifying the likelihood of continued chronic depression and relapse following Treatment for depression.  Saunders, R; Cohen, ZD; Ambler, G; et al.
    4 June 2021Role of age, gender and marital status in prognosis for adults with depression: An individual patient data meta-analysis.  Buckman, JEJ; Saunders, R; Stott, J; et al.
    9 March 2022Socioeconomic Indicators of Treatment Prognosis for Adults With Depression: A Systematic Review and Individual Patient Data Meta-analysis  Buckman, JEJ; Saunders, R; Stott, J; et al.
    28 October 2019What factors indicate prognosis for adults with depression in primary care? A protocol for meta-analyses of individual patient data using the dep-gp database [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]  Buckman, JEJ; Saunders, R; Cohen, ZD; et al.
    1 March 2015What should integrated care look like ... ?  Jones, R; Van den Bruel, A; Gerada, C; et al.