Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    26 May 2020Badger vaccination in England: Progress, operational effectiveness and participant motivations  Benton, CH; Phoenix, J; Smith, FAP; et al.
    27 July 2016Blood thicker than water: kinship, disease prevalence and group size drive divergent patterns of infection risk in a social mammal  Benton, CH; Delahay, RJ; Robertson, A; et al.
    25 June 2018Inbreeding intensifies sex- and age-dependent disease in a wild mammal  Benton, CH; Delahay, RJ; Smith, FAP; et al.
    10 July 2023Multi-locus homozygosity promotes actuarial senescence in a wild mammal.  Hudson, DW; McKinley, TJ; Benton, CH; et al.
    26 September 2022Patterns and consequences of age-linked change in local relatedness in animal societies  Ellis, S; Johnstone, RA; Cant, MA; et al.