Now showing items 1-20 of 23

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    8 May 2020Atmospheric convection plays a key role in the climate of tidally-locked terrestrial exoplanets: insights from high-resolution simulations  Sergeev, D; Lambert, F; Mayne, N; et al.
    28 August 2018Exonephology: Transmission spectra from a 3D simulated cloudy atmosphere of HD209458b (article)  Lines, S; Manners, J; Mayne, NJ; et al.
    21 April 2020The first Met Office Unified Model-JULES Regional Atmosphere and Land configuration, RAL1  Bush, M; Allen, T; Bain, C; et al.
    16 July 2021The impact of mixing treatments on cloud modelling in 3D simulations of hot Jupiters  Christie, DA; Mayne, NJ; Lines, S; et al.
    16 July 2020Implications of different stellar spectra for the climate of tidally locked Earth-like exoplanets (article)  Eager, J; Reichelt, D; Mayne, N; et al.
    26 February 2018The influence of a sub-stellar continent on the climate of a tidally-locked exoplanet  Mayne, NJ; Lewis, N; Lambert, FH; et al.
    10 April 2020Influences of Local and Remote Conditions on Tropical Precipitation and Its Response to Climate Change  Saint-Lu, M; Chadwick, R; Lambert, FH; et al.
    22 January 2019The Limits of the Primitive Equations of Dynamics for Warm, Slowly Rotating Small Neptunes and Super Earths (article)  Mayne, NJ; Drummond, B; Debras, F; et al.
    12 December 2018The limits of the primitive equations of dynamics for warm, slowly rotating Small Neptunes and Super Earths (dataset)  Mayne, NJ; Drummond, B; Debras, F; et al.
    11 April 2017The Met Office Unified Model Global Atmosphere 6.0/6.1 and JULES Global Land 6.0/6.1 configurations  Walters, D; Boutle, I; Brooks, M; et al.
    14 May 2019The Met Office Unified Model Global Atmosphere 7.0/7.1 and JULES Global Land 7.0 configurations  Walters, D; Baran, AJ; Boutle, I; et al.
    9 June 2020Mineral dust increases the habitability of terrestrial planets but confounds biomarker detection (article)  Boutle, I; Joshi, M; Lambert, F; et al.
    16 April 2020Mineral dust increases the habitability of terrestrial planets but confounds biomarker detection (dataset)  Boutle, I; Joshi, M; Lambert, F; et al.
    2024A mixed finite-element, finite-volume, semi-implicit discretisation for atmospheric dynamics: Spherical geometry  Melvin, T; Shipway, B; Wood, N; et al.
    27 January 2023A modern-day Mars climate in the Met Office Unified Model: dry simulations  McCulloch, D; Sergeev, D; Mayne, N; et al.
    15 March 2018Observable signatures of wind--driven chemistry with a fully consistent three dimensional radiative hydrodynamics model of HD 209458b  Drummond, B; Mayne, NJ; Manners, J; et al.
    15 March 2018Observable signatures of wind-driven chemistry with a fully consistent three dimensional radiative hydrodynamics model of HD 209458b (article)  Drummond, B; Mayne, NJ; Manners, J; et al.
    1 July 2019Overcast on Osiris: 3D radiative-hydrodynamical simulations of a cloudy hot Jupiter using the parametrized, phase-equilibrium cloud formation code EDDYSED (article)  Lines, S; Mayne, N; Manners, J; et al.
    8 January 2020Ozone chemistry on tidally locked M dwarf planets  Yates, J; Palmer, P; Manners, J; et al.
    28 May 2024Reduction in the Tropical High Cloud Fraction in Response to an Indirect Weakening of the Hadley Cell  Natchiar, SRM; Webb, MJ; Lambert, FH; et al.