Now showing items 1-20 of 54

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    16 October 2021Accuracy and power analysis of social networks built from count data  Hart, JDA; Franks, DW; Brent, LJN; et al.
    1 June 2023Age-Related Differences in Ocular Features of a Naturalistic Free-Ranging Population of Rhesus Macaques  Fernandes, AG; Alexopoulos, P; Burgos-Rodriguez, A; et al.
    20 February 2023Ageing in a collective: the impact of ageing individuals on social network structure  Siracusa, ER; Pereira, AS; Brask, JB; et al.
    21 August 2023Best practices for genotype imputation from low-coverage sequencing data in natural populations  Watowich, MM; Chiou, KL; Graves, B; et al.
    29 March 2022Body size and canine size do not confer a competitive advantage in male rhesus macaques  Kimock, CM; Brent, LJN; Dubuc, C; et al.
    9 October 2020Common datastream permutations of animal social network data are not appropriate for hypothesis testing using regression models  Weiss, MN; Franks, DW; Brent, LJN; et al.
    29 October 2022Common permutation methods in animal social network analysis do not control for non-independence  Hart, JDA; Weiss, MN; Brent, LJN; et al.
    29 July 2020Comparing measures of social complexity: larger mountain gorilla groups do not have a greater diversity of relationships  Morrison, RE; Eckardt, W; Stoinski, TS; et al.
    28 October 2022Concentrations of urinary neopterin, but not suPAR, positively correlate with age in rhesus macaques  Cooper, EB; Watowich, MM; Beeby, N; et al.
    11 December 2019Deconstructing sociality: the types of social connections that predict longevity in a group-living primate  Ellis, S; Snyder-Mackler, N; Ruiz-Lambides, A; et al.
    18 July 2024Demography and climate influence sex‐specific survival costs of reproduction over 60 years in a free ranging primate population  Cooper, EB; Brent, LJN; Snyder‐Mackler, N; et al.
    20 June 2024Ecological disturbance alters the adaptive benefits of social ties  Testard, C; Shergold, C; Acevedo-Ithier, A; et al.
    5 March 2015Ecological Knowledge, Leadership, and the Evolution of Menopause in Killer Whales  Brent, LJN; Franks, DW; Foster, EA; et al.
    24 January 2022The effect of age, sex, and resource abundance on patterns of rake markings in resident killer whales (Orcinus orca)  Grimes, C; Brent, LJN; Weiss, MN; et al.
    26 October 2017Evaluating anthropogenic threats to endangered killer whales to inform effective recovery plans  Lacy, RC; Williams, R; Ashe, E; et al.
    14 May 2015The evolution of prolonged life after reproduction  Croft, Darren P; Brent, LJN; Franks, DW; et al.
    27 June 2024Evolutionary and biomedical implications of sex differences in the primate brain transcriptome.  DeCasien, AR; Chiou, KL; Testard, C; et al.
    17 May 2017Family network size and survival across the lifespan of female macaques  Brent, LJN; Ruiz-Lambides, A; Platt, ML
    1 May 2021Field evidence supporting monitoring of chemical information on pathways by male African elephants  Allen, CRB; Brent, LJN; Thatayaone, M; et al.
    12 February 2015Friends of friends: Are indirect connections in social networks important to animal behaviour?  Brent, LJN