Now showing items 1-12 of 12

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    29 September 2019Alkane Biosynthesis in Bacteria  Brown, S; Loh, J; Aves, S; et al.
    1 June 2018Alternative tumour necrosis factor inhibitors (TNFi) or abatacept or rituximab following failure of initial TNFi in rheumatoid arthritis: The SWITCH RCT  Brown, S; Everett, CC; Naraghi, K; et al.
    1 September 2019Comparing alternating pressure mattresses and high-specification foam mattresses to prevent pressure ulcers in high-risk patients: the PRESSURE 2 RCT  Nixon, J; Brown, S; Smith, IL; et al.
    31 January 2019Evidence of a causal relationship between body mass index and psoriasis: A mendelian randomization study  Budu-Aggrey, A; Brumpton, B; Tyrrell, J; et al.
    24 July 2017High risk of unprecedented UK rainfall in the current climate  Thompson, V; Dunstone, NJ; Scaife, AA; et al.
    23 December 2023Improved understanding and characterisation of climate hazards in the UK  Catto, J; Brown, S; Barnes, C; et al.
    22 April 2014Markedly divergent estimates of amazon forest carbon density from ground plots and satellites  Mitchard, ETA; Feldpausch, T.R.; Brienen, Roel J.W.; et al.
    14 November 2016Modelling Illegal Drug Participation  Brown, S; Harris, M; Srivastava, P; et al.
    17 June 2019The need for bottom-up assessments of climate risks and adaptation in climate-sensitive regions  Conway, D; Nicholls, RJ; Brown, S; et al.
    3 September 2019Pressure relieving support surfaces for pressure ulcer prevention (PRESSURE 2): clinical and health economic results of a randomised controlled trial  Nixon, J; Smith, I; Brown, S; et al.
    23 December 2023Quantifying climate risk and building resilience in the UK  Golding, N; Ashton, J; Brown, S; et al.
    21 July 2015Statistical universals reveal the structures and functions of human music  Savage, PE; Brown, S; Sakai, E; et al.