Now showing items 1-18 of 18

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    20 October 2016Affective incorporation  Colombetti, Giovanna
    1 August 2005Appraising valence  Colombetti, Giovanna
    27 April 2012Bodily feeling in depersonalisation: a phenomenological account  Colombetti, Giovanna; Ratcliffe, Matthew
    1 December 2009Emotion and ethics: an inter-(en)active approach  Colombetti, Giovanna; Torrance, Steve
    1 April 2005Enacting emotional interpretations with feeling  Colombetti, Giovanna; Thompson, Evan
    12 July 2015Enactive affectivity, extended  Colombetti, Giovanna
    24 June 2014Extending the Extended Mind: The Case for Extended Affectivity  Colombetti, Giovanna; Roberts, Tom
    1 August 2009From affect programs to dynamical discrete emotions  Colombetti, Giovanna
    1 February 2008Il corpo ed il vissuto affettivo: Verso un approccio “enattivo” allo studio delle emozioni  Colombetti, Giovanna; Thompson, Evan
    28 August 2012Psychopathology and the enactive mind  Colombetti, Giovanna
    1 August 2009Reply to Barrett, Gendron and Huang  Colombetti, Giovanna
    2010Review of The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Emotion  Colombetti, Giovanna
    2014Scaffoldings of the affective mind  Colombetti, Giovanna; Krueger, Joel
    1 March 2008The Somatic Marker Hypotheses, and what the Iowa Gambling Task does and does not show  Colombetti, Giovanna
    2013Some Ideas for the Integration of Neurophenomenology and Affective Neuroscience  Colombetti, Giovanna
    12 May 2011Varieties of pre-reflective self-awareness: foreground and background bodily feelings in emotion experience  Colombetti, Giovanna
    1 September 2009What language does to feelings  Colombetti, Giovanna
    2014Why call bodily sense making "languaging"?  Colombetti, Giovanna