Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    25 February 2013Direct excitation of propagating spin waves by focused ultrashort optical pulses  Au, Y.; Dvornik, Mykola; Davison, T.; et al.
    5 November 2011Dispersion of collective magnonic modes in stacks of nanoscale magnetic elements  Dvornik, Mykola; Kruglyak, V.V.
    25 February 2011Large amplitude magnetization dynamics and the suppression of edge modes in a single nanomagnet  Keatley, Paul Steven; Gangmei, Prim; Dvornik, Mykola; et al.
    24 April 2012Nanoscale spin wave valve and phase shifter  Au, Y.; Dvornik, Mykola; Dmytriiev, O.; et al.
    30 September 2011Numerical Investigations of Spin Waves at the Nanoscale  Dvornik, Mykola