Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    22 December 2010Alternative stable scroll waves and conversion of autowave turbulence  Foulkes, A. J.; Barkley, D.; Biktashev, V. N.; et al.
    1 June 2010Computation of the drift velocity of spiral waves using response functions  Biktasheva, I. V.; Barkley, D.; Biktashev, V. N.; et al.
    11 May 2009Computation of the response functions of spiral waves in active media  Biktasheva, I. V.; Barkley, D.; Biktashev, V. N.; et al.
    2010Riding a spiral wave: numerical simulation of spiral waves in a comoving frame of reference  Foulkes, A. J.; Biktashev, V. N.