Now showing items 1-20 of 41

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    17 November 20153D electron density distribution in the solar corona during solar minima: assessment for more realistic solar wind modelling  de Patoul, Judith; Foullon, Claire; Riley, Pete
    21 August 2013Anti-phase Signature of Flare Generated Transverse Loop Oscillations  White, R.S.; Verwichte, E.; Foullon, Claire
    25 February 2013Asymmetry of magnetosheath flows and magnetopause shape during low Alfven Mach number solar wind  Lavraud, B.; Larroque, E.; Budnik, E.; et al.
    22 July 2008Cluster observations of the mid-altitude cusp under strong northward Interplanetary magnetic field  Hu, Renyu; Bogdanova, Yulia V.; Owen, Christopher J.; et al.
    20 March 2013Coronal Alfvén speed determination: consistency between seismology using AIA/SDO transverse loop oscillations and magnetic extrapolation  Verwichte, E.; Van Doorsselaere, T.; Foullon, Claire; et al.
    10 June 2011Damped large amplitude transverse oscillations in an EUV solar prominence, triggered by large-scale transient coronal waves  Hershaw, J.; Foullon, Claire; Nakariakov, V.M.; et al.
    25 October 2004Detection of ultra-long-period oscillations in an EUV filament  Foullon, Claire; Verwichte, E.; Nakariakov, V.M.
    30 November 2012Dual Trigger of Transverse Oscillations in a Prominence by EUV Fast and Slow Coronal Waves: SDO/AIA and STEREO/EUVI Observations  Gosain, S.; Foullon, Claire
    5 November 2008Evolution of Kelvin-Helmholtz activity on the dusk flank magnetopause  Foullon, Claire; Farrugia, Charles J.; Fazakerley, Andrew; et al.
    11 October 2000Exospheric models for the X-ray emission from single Wolf-Rayet stars  Ignace, R.; Oskinova, L.M.; Foullon, Claire
    20 January 2006Fast magnetoacoustic waves in curved coronal loops I. Trapped and leaky modes  Verwichte, E.; Foullon, Claire; Nakariakov, V.M.
    21 March 2006Fast magnetoacoustic waves in curved coronal loops: II. Tunneling modes  Verwichte, E.; Foullon, Claire; Nakariakov, V.M.
    2 August 2013First magnetic seismology of the CME reconnection outflow layer in the low corona with 2.5-D MHD simulations of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability  Nykyri, Katariina; Foullon, Claire
    18 September 2012First observation of a transverse vertical oscillation during the formation of a hot post-flare loop  White, R.S.; Verwichte, E.; Foullon, Claire
    19 July 2010From large-scale loops to the sites of dense flaring loops: Preferential conditions for long-period pulsations in solar flares  Foullon, Claire; Fletcher, L.; Hannah, Iain G.; et al.
    25 March 2010Heliospheric current sheet distortions from adjacent outflowing transients: Multi-spacecraft observations  Foullon, Claire; Lavraud, B.; Owen, Christopher J.; et al.
    2010Independent signals from the influence of internal magnetic layers on the frequencies of solar p-modes  Foullon, Claire; Nakariakov, V.M.
    29 July 2005The influence of internal magnetic layers on the frequencies of solar p-modes  Foullon, Claire; Roberts, B.
    8 April 2013Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability of the CME Reconnection Outflow Layer in the Low Corona  Foullon, Claire; Verwichte, E.; Nykyri, Katariina; et al.
    25 March 2010Kelvin-Helmholtz multi-spacecraft studies at the Earth's magnetopause boundaries  Foullon, Claire; Farrugia, Charles J.; Owen, Christopher J.; et al.