Now showing items 1-7 of 7

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    15 September 2014Antecedent conditions control carbon loss and downstream water quality from shallow, damaged peatlands.  Grand-Clement, Emilie; Luscombe, David J.; Anderson, K; et al.
    15 September 2014Antecedent conditions control carbon loss and downstream water quality from shallow, damaged peatlands.  Grand-Clement, Emilie; Luscombe, David J.; Anderson, K; et al.
    31 March 2015Determining the effects of peatland restoration on carbon dioxide exchange and potential for climate change mitigation  Gatis, Naomi
    21 May 2015The effect of drainage ditches on vegetation diversity and CO2 fluxes in a Molinia caerulea dominated peatland  Gatis, Naomi; Luscombe, David J.; Grand-Clement, Emilie; et al.
    18 July 2015New approaches to the restoration of shallow marginal peatlands  Grand-Clement, Emilie; Anderson, K; Smith, D; et al.
    2014Using airborne thermal imaging data to measure near-surface hydrology in upland ecosystems  Luscombe, David J.; Anderson, K; Gatis, Naomi; et al.
    1 August 2014What does airborne LiDAR really measure in upland ecosystems?  Luscombe, David J.; Anderson, K; Gatis, Naomi; et al.