Now showing items 1-10 of 10

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    1 October 2016Acute and chronic effects of cannabinoids on effort-related decision-making and reward learning: an evaluation of the cannabis 'amotivational' hypotheses  Lawn, W; Freeman, TP; Pope, RA; et al.
    13 July 2017The Acute Effects of a Dopamine D3 Receptor Preferring Agonist on Motivation for Cigarettes in Dependent and Occasional Cigarette Smokers.  Lawn, W; Freeman, TP; East, K; et al.
    1 May 2018Cannabidiol reverses attentional bias to cigarette cues in a human experimental model of tobacco withdrawal  Hindocha, C; Freeman, TP; Grabski, M; et al.
    15 May 2018The effects of cannabidiol on impulsivity and memory during abstinence in cigarette dependent smokers  Hindocha, C; Freeman, TP; Grabski, M; et al.
    24 July 2017Improved memory for information learnt before alcohol use in social drinkers tested in a naturalistic setting  Carlyle, M; Dumay, N; Roberts, K; et al.
    4 April 2017A proof-of-concept investigation into ketamine as a pharmacological treatment for alcohol dependence: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.  McAndrew, A; Lawn, W; Stevens, T; et al.
    5 November 2018Shyness, alcohol use disorders and ‘hangxiety’: A naturalistic study of social drinkers  Marsh, B; Carlyle, M; Carter, E; et al.
    15 November 2016Tripping up addiction: the use of psychedelic drugs in the treatment of problematic drug and alcohol use  Morgan, C; McAndrew, A; Stevens, T; et al.
    22 July 2019Value-based decision-making of cigarette and nondrug rewards in dependent and occasional cigarette smokers: An FMRI study  Lawn, W; Mithchener, L; Freeman, TP; et al.
    9 November 2017Well-being, problematic alcohol consumption and acute subjective drug effects in past-year ayahuasca users: a large, international, self-selecting online survey  Lawn, W; Hallak, JE; Crippa, JA; et al.