Now showing items 1-9 of 9

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    1 February 2017The association between maternal postnatal depressive symptoms and offspring sleep problems in adolescence  Taylor, AK; Netsi, E; O'Mahen, H; et al.
    5 June 2019A commentary on research rigour in clinical psychological science: How to avoid throwing out the innovation baby with the research credibility bath water in the depression field  Dunn, BD; O'Mahen, H; Wright, K; et al.
    1 August 2017Cost and Outcome of BehaviouRal Activation (COBRA): a randomised controlled trial of behavioural activation versus cognitive-behavioural therapy for depression  Richards, DA; Rhodes, S; Ekers, D; et al.
    7 January 2022Do psychological interventions reduce symptoms of depression for patients with bipolar I or II disorder? A meta-analysis  Yilmaz, S; Huguet, A; Kisely, S; et al.
    2 October 2012'I am not a depressed person': how identity conflict affects help-seeking rates for major depressive disorder.  Farmer, C; Farrand, P; O'Mahen, H
    22 January 2013A pilot randomised controlled trial of cognitive behavioural therapy for antenatal depression  Burns, A; O'Mahen, H; Baxter, H; et al.
    18 July 2019Refractory depression - mechanisms and efficacy of radically open dialectical behaviour therapy (RefraMED): findings of a randomised trial on benefits and harms  Lynch, TR; Hempel, RJ; Whalley, B; et al.
    17 July 2015Refractory depression: mechanisms and evaluation of radically open dialectical behaviour therapy (RO-DBT) [REFRAMED]: protocol for randomised trial.  Lynch, TR; Whalley, B; Hempel, RJ; et al.
    12 September 2016Rumination in dysphoric mothers negatively affects mother-infant interactions.  Tester-Jones, M; Karl, A; Watkins, E; et al.