Now showing items 1-7 of 7

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    21 October 2017Effect of muscle force during stretch on eccentric contraction-induced muscle damage  Mayfield, D; Farris, D; Cresswell, A; et al.
    16 April 2018The effect of muscle-tendon unit vs. fascicle analyses on vastus lateralis force-generating capacity during constant power output cycling with variable cadence  Farris, DJ; Brennan, S; Lichtwark, G; et al.
    17 January 2019The functional importance of human foot muscles for bipedal locomotion (article)  Farris, DJ; Kelly, L; Cresswell, A; et al.
    7 January 2019The functional importance of human foot muscles for bipedal locomotion (dataset)  Farris, DJ; Kelly, L; Cresswell, A; et al.
    21 November 2018Intrinsic foot muscles contribute to elastic energy storage and return in the human foot  Kelly, L; Farris, DJ; Cresswell, A; et al.
    20 February 2017Mechanical and energetic determinants of optimal cycling cadence  Brennan, S; Cresswell, A; Farris, D; et al.
    15 June 2016Shoes alter the spring-like function of the human foot during running  Kelly, LA; Lichtwark, GA; Farris, DJ; et al.