Now showing items 1-12 of 12

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    21 September 2020Activation of K+–Cl-cotransporter KCC2 by inhibiting the WNK-SPAK kinase signalling as a novel therapeutic strategy for epilepsy  Zhang, J
    9 November 2016Advancing allied health professionals' practice in osteoporosis  Knapp, K
    7 November 2018Cervical spine fractures in the elderly: are there missed opportunities for prevention?  Fuller, N; Knapp, K; Stokes, O; et al.
    5 May 2021Clinical Placement Capacity and the Degree Apprenticeship in Diagnostic Radiography  Heales, C; Green, D
    3 June 2020The degree apprenticeship route into diagnostic radiography: Implications for the workplace  Green, D; Heales, C
    3 June 2020Degree apprenticeships – The whys and the wherefores in diagnostic radiography  Mills, J; Heales, C
    1 June 2015An Evaluation of Service Users as an Educational Resource in an Undergraduate Diagnostic Radiography Module.  Meertens, RM
    12 June 2019Exploring the potential relationships between microvascular haemodynamics and density in bone: a feasibility study utilising near infrared spectroscopy  Meertens, RM; Knapp, KM; Casanova, F; et al.
    9 June 2010Infection Control: Are We Preparing Our Workforce?  Willis, SJ; Burnett, S; Crompton, S; et al.
    9 June 2010Optimising cervical spine imaging with digital radiography for the trauma patient  Collins, H; Dupe, R; Lennard, Z; et al.
    10 July 2019The role of Principal Investigators of research studies in the adoption and scaling up of health care interventions  Stapley, S; Anderson, R
    22 September 2016The use of near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) as a diagnostic tool to measure microvascular haemodynamics in bone tissue.  Meertens, RM; Knapp, KM; Strain, WD; et al.