Now showing items 1-11 of 11

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    28 May 2012The Cricket-Tracking Project: a case study  Christmas, Jacqueline
    1 April 2012Draft metadata schema for data description  Evans, Jill
    1 March 2013Electronic versus paper record keeping in scientific research: a case study for the Open Exeter project  Haworth, Thomas; Hudson, David
    8 May 2014Final report on the Open Exeter project to Jisc  Evans, Jill; Lloyd-Jones, Hannah; Cole, Gareth
    15 August 2012My Journey into Research....Beginnings: Issues Involved in Working with Human Subjects to Capture and Document Emotional Responses  Chavda, Mrunal; Open Exeter Project Team
    2 October 2012Open Exeter DSpace Submission Tool Development Update  Wellaway, Ian
    1 November 2011Open Exeter Project Plan  Evans, Jill
    8 August 2012PhD Research and Copyright: A Personal Experience  Wright, Duncan; Open Exeter Project Team
    8 May 2014Report on the Follow the Data PGR audit  Cole, Gareth
    8 August 2012Summary Findings of the Open Exeter Data Asset Framework (DAF) Survey  Open Exeter Project Team
    24 September 2012Targeted Advocacy to Encourage Engagement with the Data Asset Framework Survey: a Case Study  Open Exeter Team