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dc.contributor.authorYeates, Fayme
dc.description.abstractI wanted to investigate whether participants could learn about a simple cue (a colour in the centre of the screen) that predicted the location of a required response (right or left stimulus) WITHOUT being aware of the relationship between the two (see COLOUR_FY_IPLM_010). I wanted to compare this to participants who were instructed to find the relationship (Intentional condition). Using multiple colours that were either Predictive (were more likely to occur before either a right or left required response) or Non-Predictive (were equally likely to occur before either required response). This experiment followed the design of COLOUR_FY_IPLM_010 with a central coloured square to a 2-choice reaction time task that flashed either Red, Yellow, Green or Blue. A circle the same colour as this central square would then appear on the right or left of the screen, requiring a spatially compatible key press. A prediction task and structured interview followed the task. Participants WERE informed of the nature of the experiment or the contingencies between colour and response. This experiment was conducted under intentional conditions.en_GB
dc.description.sponsorshipUniversity of Exeteren_GB
dc.publisherUniversity of Exeteren_GB
dc.rights.embargoreasonUnpublished dataen_GB
dc.rightsOnce access embargoes have lifted, unrestricted use permitted but please acknowledge source and include the dataset handle.en_GB
dc.titleIncidental sequence learning in humans: Predictions of an associative account - COLOUR_FY_IPLM_011en_GB
dc.descriptionHuman behavioural dataset from 2-choice computerised reaction time psychology experiment.en_GB
dc.descriptionThis dataset was created as part of the doctoral studies of the thesis "Incidental sequence learning in humans: Predictions of an associative account" which is deposited in ORE ( Related datasets are available via the URI links in the link section of this record.en_GB

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