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dc.contributor.authorWhiteside, Mark A.
dc.contributor.authorvan Horik, Jayden O.
dc.contributor.authorLangley, Ellis J G.
dc.contributor.authorBeardsworth, Christine E.
dc.contributor.authorMadden, Joah R.
dc.description.abstractFine scale sexual segregation outside of the mating season is common in sexually dimorphic and polygamous species, particularly in ungulates. A number of hypotheses predict sexual segregation but these are often contradictory with no agreement as to a common cause, perhaps because they are species specific. We explicitly tested three of these hypotheses which are commonly linked by a dependence on sexual dimorphism for animals which exhibit fine-scale sexual segregation; the Predation Risk Hypothesis, the Forage Selection Hypothesis, and the Activity Budget Hypothesis, in a single system the pheasant, Phasianus colchicus; a large, sedentary bird that is predominantly terrestrial and therefore analogous to ungulates rather than many avian species which sexually segregate. Over four years we reared 2,400 individually tagged pheasants from one day old and after a period of 8–10 weeks we released them into the wild. We then followed the birds for 7 months, during the period that they sexually segregate, determined their fate and collected behavioural and morphological measures pertinent to the hypotheses. Pheasants are sexually dimorphic during the entire period that they sexually segregate in the wild; males are larger than females in both body size and gut measurements. However, this did not influence predation risk and predation rates (as predicted by the Predation Risk Hypothesis), diet choice (as predicted by the Forage Selection Hypothesis), or the amount of time spent foraging, resting or walking (as predicted by the Activity Budget Hypothesis). We conclude that adult sexual size dimorphism is not responsible for sexual segregation in the pheasant in the wild. Instead, we consider that segregation may be mediated by other, perhaps social, factors. We highlight the importance of studies on a wide range of taxa to help further the knowledge of sexual segregation.en_GB
dc.description.sponsorshipERC Consolidator Awarden_GB
dc.publisherUniversity of Exeteren_GB
dc.rightsCC BY 4.0en_GB
dc.subjectBehavioural synchrony, Body size dimorphism, Diet, Group living, Gut morphology, Predation,en_GB
dc.titleSize dimorphism and sexual segregation in pheasants: tests of three competing hypotheses (dataset)en_GB
dc.descriptionThis is the dataset used for the Whiteside et al. (2018) article "Size dimorphism and sexual segregation in pheasants: tests of three competing hypotheses".en_GB
dc.descriptionThe article incorporates analysis from a large number of datasets over several years to answer a series of question. Each spreadsheet has data for a specific question or set of questions. For each question I have clearly documented the factors that went into the analysis in the article and these factors are labelled at the top of each column on the dataset.en_GB
dc.descriptionThe article associated with this dataset is located in ORE at:

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