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dc.contributor.authorGobel, MS
dc.contributor.authorChen, A
dc.contributor.authorRichardson, DC
dc.description.abstractCulture can influence how we see and experience the world, and recent research shows that it even determines how we look at each other. Yet, most of these laboratory studies use images of faces that are deprived of any social context. In the real world, we not only look at people’s faces to perceive who they are, but also to signal information back to them. It is unknown, therefore, within which interpersonal contexts cultural differences in looking at faces emerge. In the current study, we manipulated one aspect of the interpersonal context of faces: whether the target face either established mutual gaze looking directly into the camera as if talking to the viewer or averted gaze slightly to the side as if talking to another person. East Asian and Western participants viewed target face videos while their eye movements were recorded. If cultural differences are exclusively related to encoding information from others, interpersonal context should not matter. However, if cultural differences are also the result of culturally specific expectations about how to appropriately interact with another person, then cultural differences should be modulated by whether the speaker seemingly addresses the viewer or another person. In support of the second hypothesis, we only find cultural differences in looking at faces in the mutual gaze condition. We speculate that cultural norms surrounding the use of gaze as a social signal may underlie previous findings of cultural differences in face perception.en_GB
dc.identifier.citationVol. 71 (3), pp. 258 - 264en_GB
dc.publisherCanadian Psychological Association / American Psychological Association (APA)en_GB
dc.rights© 2017 Canadian Psychological Associationen_GB
dc.subjectsocial attentionen_GB
dc.subjectface perceptionen_GB
dc.subjecteye movementsen_GB
dc.subjectinterpersonal contexten_GB
dc.subjectattention socialeen_GB
dc.subjectperception des visagesen_GB
dc.subjectmouvements oculairesen_GB
dc.subjectcontexte interpersonnelen_GB
dc.titleHow different cultures look at faces depends on the interpersonal contexten_GB
dc.descriptionThis is the author accepted manuscript. Available from the Canadian Psychological Association via the link in this recorden_GB
dc.identifier.journalCanadian Journal of Experimental Psychologyen_GB
rioxxterms.typeJournal Article/Reviewen_GB

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