Now showing items 41-60 of 475

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    26 March 2014Bronze Age Boat  Van de Noort, Robert
    18 July 2014Burying beetle data for Box 1 of Royle et al_Science  Royle, NJ; Russell, Andrew; Wilson, Alastair J.
    20 August 2014CADET Data  Richards, David; Green, C
    14 March 2017CADET dataset FINAL 12m CLEAN  Richards, David A
    11 September 2019Calcium carbonate production by fish in temperate marine environments (dataset)  Salter, M; Perry, C; Smith, A
    28 September 2020Calcium-Stannous Oxide Solid Solutions for Solar Devices (dataset)  Taylor, N; Galbiati, A; Saavedra, M; et al.
    31 December 2015Can non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics solve the magnetic braking catastrophe? (dataset)  Wurster, James; Bate, Matthew; Price, Daniel J
    3 April 2019Can we prepare to attend to one of two simultaneous voices? (dataset)  Monsell, S; Lavric, A; Strivens, A; et al.
    27 March 2019The carbon-to-oxygen ratio: implications for the spectra of hydrogen-dominated exoplanet atmospheres (dataset)  Drummond, Benjamin; Carter, Aarynn; Hébrard, Eric; et al.
    17 January 2019Cardiopulmonary responses to maximal aerobic exercise in patients with cystic fibrosis (dataset)  Williams, CAP; Wedgwood, K; Mohammadi, H; et al.
    12 July 2012Cascade Datasets 1-25  Miles, Charlotte
    6 July 2021Cavity-Free Ultrastrong Light-Matter Coupling (dataset)  Thomas, P; Menghrajani, KS; Barnes, WL
    29 November 2019Characterising the i-band variability of YSOs over six orders of magnitude in timescale (dataset)  Sergison, D; Naylor, T; Littlefair, S; et al.
    22 August 2023Characterising the importance of porosity of large woody debris accumulations at single bridge piers on localised scour (dataset)  Panici, D; Kripakaran, P
    26 January 2023Cholelithiasis is an additional pre-pregnancy clinical risk factor for preeclampsia (dataset)  Arbuzova, S; Nikolenko, M; Wright, D; et al.
    6 September 2019CitSeg pilot data  Meakin, J; Ames, RM; Jeynes, JCG; et al.
    24 November 2020Climate-driven variability and trends in plant productivity over recent decades based on three global products (dataset)  O'Sullivan, M; Smith, WK; Sitch, S; et al.
    21 November 2022Cloud- and haze-free Met Office Unified Model simulations of the atmospheres of HAT-P-11b, HD 189733b, HD 209458b, and WASP-17b (dataset)  Zamyatina, Maria; Hebrard, E; Drummond, B; et al.
    16 September 2024Code and data for "Variation in Lipid Peroxidation in the Ejaculates of Wild Banded Mongooses (Mungos mungo): A Test of the Oxidative Shielding Hypothesis"  Birch, G
    10 October 2019Code to digitise MR bone images and calculate properties of shape: cross-sectional area, area moment of inertia, product moment of area  Kenny, M; Ellison, M; Rice, H